I know it sounds like a “far fetched conspiracy theory,” but to someone like me who has been researching the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon for more than 15 years, it’s not. In fact, this possibility seems more likely than not. Perhaps I am bias.
In the summer of 2022, a bipartisan amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act in the United States was part of a large effort to exert more oversight over intelligence-gathering practices regarding UFOs.
The house voted to create a secure government system which would allow for, and compel current and former officials to reveal what they might know about the mysterious phenomena by promising to protect them from reprisal. Many of these people are bound by “national security oaths.” In my opinion, the term ‘national security’ has become an umbrella term to classify information that doesn’t really threaten national security interests, but rather corporate and other ‘elitist’ agendas.
So, we may see
credentialed ‘whistleblowers’ come forward over the next few years in
the mainstream, we already have, but what about all of the verified high
ranking military personnel, for example, who have been ‘blowing the
whistle,’ bravely, for the past few decades?...<<<Read More>>>...