Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 6 January 2024

Google removes news about UFO flying past Joe Biden’s plane

 On December 10, 2023, US President Joe Biden’s plane flew into Los Angeles and, when landing at the airport, a silver UFO ball flew close to him.

This strange ball, which either flew quickly across the sky or froze in one place, was caught on camera at least three times by brother cameramen Peter and Josh Solorzano, who were filming planes landing at the airport and broadcasting live on their Youtube channel LA FLIGHTS. You can read more about this in our article here.

Strange things began immediately with this incident. For some reason, the media wrote about him only at the end of December, almost two weeks later, although Solorzano’s broadcast was available to everyone from the very beginning.

And now ufologist Chris Lehto claims that the Google search engine is deliberately “cleansing” references to this incident from the Internet. According to Lehto, the video was initially published by a number of US news outlets, but then almost all of these posts were removed from Google....<<<Read More>>>....