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Thursday 17 October 2024

A century of evidence: Putting light inside the body is a miraculous therapy

 Natural light is an essential nutrient many of us do not have enough of within our bodies. Because of this, when ultraviolet light is added to the bloodstream, phenomenal health benefits emerge.

Once ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI) was discovered in the 1930s, it produced miraculous results for patients on the verge of death and was quickly adopted by hospitals throughout America. There, it demonstrated remarkable efficacy for a wide range of diseases, and the doctors who pioneered its use compiled a large body of research.

To neutralize this competition, the American Medical Association published a small doctored study that "debunked" UVBI, and before long it became a forgotten side of medicine. The Russians and Germans however recognized the value of it, and for decades have produced research showing UBVI's remarkable utility for a variety of challenging medical conditions both within and outside the hospital. However, in America, UVBI is primarily used by integrative practitioners who need effective tools to treat complex illnesses (e.g., Lyme disease, Chronic fatigue syndrome, spike protein injuries, or migraine disorders).

In this article we will review the hundreds of studies showing UVBI's utility for a wide range of medical conditions (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, infertility, preventing miscarriages, many autoimmune disorders, preventing complications from surgery, and treating a myriad of challenging bacterial and viral infections), explain how UVBI works, and provide the resources for those wishing to best utilize this therapy....<<<Read More>>>...

Electric Car Drivers “Being Plunged into Negative Equity” as Prices Collapse

 Collapsing electric vehicle prices are leaving a growing number of drivers in negative equity, a top dealership chain has warned. The Telegraph has more.

Vertu Motors said on Wednesday that car retailers were coming under pressure as EVs coming off financing agreements were found to be worth less than the loan they are attached to.

In most car finance deals, this is not a problem for drivers as – provided they have kept up with their payments – they can hand back the keys and walk away.

The lender that funded the leasing deal then typically takes the financial hit.

However, the issue creates a headache for dealers that often allow customers to “roll over” positive or negative equity into new financing deals to win repeat business.

The steep drop in electric cars’ value is being partly fuelled by the discounts offered on new vehicles, as manufacturers attempt to boost sales to hit legally-binding government targets.

Rob Forrester, Vertu’s Chief Executive, said: “We all know that battery electric vehicles have depreciated at a significant rate, and that tends to feed into the creation of negative equity.

“If you think about when many cars were bought two to three years ago, new car prices were quite high because of supply constraints, but since then there’s been a reduction in used car value.”

It follows warnings last month that so-called fleet operators, such as car leasing firms and rental companies, were having to swallow large losses when reselling EVs because of “accelerated, exceptional depreciation”.

In the past two years, the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) said the average amount of “residual value” left over at the end of a car’s lease period had plunged from 60% to 35%. (Read More)

Quote for the Day


Sun Reaches Its Peak: Geomagnetic Storms and Auroras on the Horizon

 NASA has announced that the Sun has reached the peak of its 11-year solar cycle, an event that signals an increase in geomagnetic storms and auroras in the coming months.

Solar cycles, observed since the early 19th century, are marked by periods of calm and activity, during which the number of sunspots ranges from zero to more than twenty groups.

These sunspots are areas of intense magnetic fields—up to 2,500 times stronger than Earth’s. They serve as indicators of solar activity and are harbingers of various cosmic phenomena.

“Sunspots aren’t just pretty pictures; they’re important indicators of our nearest star,” said NASA Space Weather Program Director Jamie Favors. “As solar activity increases, we have a unique opportunity to study the Sun, but it can also affect our planet and the entire solar system.”...<<<Read More>>>...


The Dead Daisies - Holy Ground (Shake The Memory)

Thinning the herd with Ozempic: Are weight loss injections the new covid injections?

 There has been a “Great Reveal” related to the harmful effects of covid injections, and now we’re even seeing corporate media starting to report on the catastrophic harm caused by the covid injections.

Why this information is being revealed now? Miri Finch (“Miri AF”) believes that the recent revelation of the harms of the covid injections is a strategic move to shift the focus from covid “vaccines” to other injectables that can be used to “treat” social issues.

What could the next poisoned dart be? Ozempic, which is being heavily publicised and endorsed by celebrities, and now the UK government plans to give Ozempic to the unemployed to help get them back to work. This, Miri AF suggests, is a sinister move.

The Ozempic injection has serious side effects, including pancreatitis, thyroid tumours, kidney failure, vomiting, fainting, palpitations and breathing difficulties, which are unlikely to make people more employable.

Perhaps the true intention behind the Government’s Ozempic campaign is a continuation of the depopulation agenda that began in earnest with covid injections. Perhaps the Government’s Ozempic campaign is to kill off people who are perceived to be a burden on the National Health Service (“NHS”), including the obese and the unemployed...<<<Read More>>>...

People shouldn’t be FORCED to take vaccines, Elon Musk tells Tucker Carlson

According to SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk, people shouldn't be forced to take vaccines – a clear swipe at companies who axed employees for noncompliance with vaccine mandates.

He made this remark during a recent interview with former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, reiterating that vaccines deserve "caution" and "scrutiny." Musk touched on vaccines in the context of a potential repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA). Repeal of the CDA's aforementioned statute would make tech platforms such as X, which Musk owns, liable for published content.

"That doesn't mean that vaccines should not have any scrutiny. Of course, we should be making sure that the quality control is incredibly good, especially if we're giving them to children and whatnot. And we shouldn't force people to take vaccines," he told Carlson.

Carlson responded by calling Musk's statement "controversial." The founder of the Tucker Carlson Network even joked that the liability for vaccine manufacturers is not likely to be repealed, drawing comparisons with the CDA's Section 230.

The X owner also emphasized his opposition to vaccine mandates. "I believe in freedom; America's supposed to be the land of liberty," he said.

This mirrored Musk's sentiment from December 2022. "If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny," he said at the time....<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Three Secrets of the Universe That Science Will Never Uncover

 From the moment we first looked up at the stars and wondered about our place in the cosmos, to the revolutionary advances of modern physics and biology, scientific inquiry has unraveled many mysteries that once seemed beyond our grasp.

We’ve mapped the human genome, explored the quantum realm, and even captured the first image of a black hole. Yet, even in this golden age of discovery, there remain questions that linger, untouched by the reach of our most sophisticated theories and tools.

These mysteries are not just abstract philosophical musings; they are at the heart of the most advanced fields of cosmology, physics, and neuroscience today. And with every new discovery comes the sobering realization that the more we learn, the more we uncover questions that seem impossible to answer....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


'Mysterious black balls' wash ashore, close Sydney beaches

 Hundreds of mysterious black tar-like balls have washed up on a popular Sydney beach, prompting lifeguards to close the strand to swimmers. "Mysterious, black, ball-shaped debris" began appearing on Coogee Beach on October 15 in the afternoon the local mayor said, leaving flummoxed authorities scrambling to find out what they might be, and where they may have come from.

Hundreds of mysterious black tar-like balls have washed up on two popular Sydney beaches, prompting lifeguards to close the strands to swimmers.

"Mysterious, black, ball-shaped debris" began appearing on Coogee Beach on Tuesday afternoon the local mayor said, leaving flummoxed Australian authorities scrambling to find out what they might be, and where they may have come from. ...<<<Read More>>>...

Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers

Doctors “Will be Expected to Consider Climate Impact of Inhalers”

 uture doctors will be expected to take the climate impact of inhalers into account, medical school leaders have said.

They will also have more training on how to recognise and treat heatstroke, while mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever will become a more prominent part of the curriculum at European medical schools.

Insiders stressed that the curriculum is yet to be finalised and advice surrounding inhalers is just one option that could be considered.

The initiative – overseen by the European Network on Climate and Health Education, which is made up of a group of 25 medical schools led by the University of Glasgow – will bring climate lessons into the curriculum of more than 10,000 students.

Dr. Camille Huser, of the University of Glasgow and co-chairman of the network, told the Guardian: “The doctors of the future will see a different array of presentations and diseases that they are not seeing now. They need to be aware of that so they can recognise them.”

Students will be taught “green prescribing”, in which doctors should encourage patients to take up activities such as community gardening and tree planting. This is alongside “active travel”, which includes walking or cycling rather than driving. Both activities offer health benefits to individuals while being positive for the environment. …

Dr. Huser said the current teaching at medical schools often consisted of a single lecture or module on the subject, whereas the network envisages environmental considerations being “infused” throughout the timetable....<<<Read More>>>...

UN’s strategy is to flood North America and Europe with hundreds of millions of migrants by 2050

 Replacement migration refers to the international migration needed to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates. The concept is to maintain a stable population size and age structure by importing workers to replace those leaving the workforce due to retirement or emigration.

The United Nations Population Division‘s report titled ‘Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?’ was published in 2000. The report examined the demographic situation in most advanced nations, particularly in Europe, and explored the amount of immigration required to maintain current population sizes, assuming low fertility rates.

The UN’s report analysed six replacement migration scenarios for eight low-fertility countries, including the United States, and for two regions: Europe and the European Union....<<<Read More>>>...

There are an estimated 745,000 illegals in the U.K. – more than any other country in Europe

The United Kingdom has more illegal immigrants than any other European country, with as many as 745,000 people living within British borders without permission.

This is according to a study by academics from the University of Oxford, who found that more than one in 100 people in the U.K. are living in the country illegally – more than double the 300,000 people believed to be living in France illegally and even more than the approximately 700,000 undocumented migrants residing in Germany.

Senior Researcher on Nationhood Guy Dampier of the London-based think tank the Legatum Institute noted that since Britain is an island nation, it should be harder to get there than anywhere else in the continent. Instead, it has achieved the title of "illegal migration capital of Europe" because of, according to Dampier, the country's "permissive job market and the failure of the authorities to guard our borders."...<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Swedish Police Want to Fight Crime with Live Facial Recognition

 The Swedish police want to use facial recognition in real time to crack down on serious crimes.

Government investigators have already drafted a bill that will make it possible to use the technology. The regulation, however, still needs to be completed before it can be tabled, National Police Chief Petra Lundh told publicly funded radio broadcaster Sveriges Radio last week.

Lundh also noted that the legislation must comply with the EU AI Act and could potentially be temporary until crime rates settle down.

Sweden has been experiencing a flood of gang-related attacks, including firearms and explosives, leading the Scandinavian country to crown itself with the title of highest per capita gun violence rate in the European Union. Police Chief Lundh believes law enforcement agencies could use cameras to find suspects.

“It is not unusual that we have a picture of the likely perpetrator, but then we cannot find him or her,” Lundh says.

The suggestion has already been met with criticism. The technology could make incorrect matches for people with dark skin leading to perceptions that the AI is racist, says lawyer Kristofer Stahre.

“I am worried about what consequences it may have for the Swedish people,” he says.

The Swedish government has been working on expanding the use of biometric data in policing on other fronts.

In September, the Swedish Legislative Council announced it does not object to a government proposal to expand police access to DNA and biometric databases for investigating serious crimes. The proposal was submitted to the Council in July and includes a wider collection of biometric data during investigations, introducing new biometric registries and matching with the Migration Agency’s fingerprint and facial photo registry. The new regulation also allows for the use of DNA-based genealogy during investigations of murder and aggravated rapes.

The police noted that it has already successfully used biometric databases to solve a 24-year-old cold case involving a child sexual assault by matching DNA samples.

The next legislative step for the proposal is the Swedish Parliament. If the Parliament approves the amendment, it will enter into force on July 1st, 2025....<<<Read More>>>...

So What’s the Deal With The Moon?

 I am an unabashed fan of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel and I was recently fascinated by their episode speculating that the Moon is an artificial object placed into orbit deliberately to monitor life on Earth, presumably by a higher intelligence.

What struck me about this episode is that I am somewhat familiar with some of Gurdjieff’s writings, and I was always intrigued by his cosmological theory that human energies serve as “food for the Moon.”

There is obviously a tendency to take this metaphorically, perhaps seeing the Moon as an archetypal image which correlates to human activity in some esoteric way, but what if there was actually a literal correspondence between these two fantastic ideas?

Gurdjieff also claimed to have seen a map of ‘pre-sand’ Egypt and worked as a guide at the Pyramids, In the Ancient Aliens episode, there are some interesting assertions that support the artificial moon theory; there seem to be NASA images with spires or obelisks visible on the lunar surface, NASA crashed a module onto the moon which caused the moon to “vibrate” like a gong and it happened again for a longer period, causing some to wonder whether the moon is metallic and hollow. Buzz Aldrin and other astronauts have seen flashes of light on the moon. asserting that he had been initiated into the mysteries by the priests. The story of the moon fits into a cosmology that he presented which seemed far fetched until our recent trips into space...<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Australian Raven"



The Lost Explorations of the Last Reset

Where did the myth of overpopulation come from?

Population alarmists who buy into the overpopulation myth believe that the world’s growing population will strip the Earth of its useable resources and will outpace innovation and rates of production.

This, they believe, will cause diminishing standards of living, more poverty, more hunger, famine and starvation, water shortages, pestilence, war and conflict over diminishing resources, the evisceration of wildlife habitats and environmental catastrophes (i.e. global climate change).

It’s a myth. So where did the overpopulation myth come from?

In its pilot episode of the POP 101 series, the Population Research Institute (“PRI”) gives a quick history of where the modern-day overpopulation myth came from.

PRI is a non-profit research organisation whose core values hold that people are the world’s greatest resource. Its goals are to educate on this premise, to expose the myth of overpopulation, and to expose human rights abuses committed in population control programs. Its growing, global network of pro-life groups spans over 80 countries.

After a brief history, PRI concluded: “We’re not overpopulated, do the maths.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Harvard LIED: Data shows nearly 14,000 U.S. minors were “transitioned” (i.e. mutilated) to LGBT between 2019 and 2023

New research by the public advocacy group Do No Harm has found that between the years of 2019 and 2023, a total of 13,994 minors across the United States received "gender-affirming care," which for more than 5,700 of them included body butchery in the form of transgender surgery.

Debunking a Harvard University study from back in June that claims there is "little to no utilization of gender-affirming surgeries by transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) minors in the U.S.," Do No Harm's research proves once and for all that LGBT perversion has reached the bottom of the barrel in terms of the innocence being targeted by its doctrines.

Millions of American children these days are being bombarded day in and day out with LGBT perversion at school, in media and online. Many of these kids end up believing the lies they are told by their teachers, politicians and Hollywood actors about the gender "spectrum," prompting them to lob off body parts and take hormone-destroying pharmaceuticals in order to become their "true selves."

After analyzing insurance claims filed nationwide, Do No Harm found that 5,747 unique patients received gender-affirming surgery, which includes things like mastectomies and genital reassignment. A whopping 8,519 minors were prescribed puberty blockers and / or hormone replacement therapy during this same time period, which all in all saw more than 60,000 total prescriptions written for LGBT transitioning drugs...<<<Read More>>>...

The World Has Gone Mad - "MPs call for ban on 'furries' following spate of attacks carried out by teenagers who identify as cats and dogs in viral trend"

 Uzbek politicians are threatening to clamp down on 'furries' following a wave of vicious attacks carried out by teenagers who act and dress like cats and dogs.

Furries, or guadrobers, are people who identify as animals and wear masks, animal ears, paws, tails and sometimes even suits.

They meow, purr, bark and howl, all while crawling on all fours and demanding other people stroke their heads and tickle their chins.

But as the furry movement grows more and more in Russia and the former Soviet Union, police have been clamping down on the trend as reports of teens pretending to be animals attacking people have emerged, according to The Telegraph.

Police in Uzbekistan are currently on the hunt for a teenager who allegedly bit a passerby while dressed as a dog, while Uzbekistan's interior ministry is considering fining the parents of furries the equivalent of £112...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 14 October 2024

Heron Medicine


Small Steps to Big Change

 When we decide that it’s time for big changes in our lives, it is wise to ease into them by starting small. Small changes allow us to grow into a new habit and make it a permanent part of our lives. Sudden changes may cause a sense of failure that makes it difficult to continue, and then, we are more likely to revert to our old ways. If we have gone that route and find ourselves contemplating the choice to start over again, we can decide to take it slowly this time and move forward.

Sometimes, the goals we set for ourselves are merely indicators of the need for change and are useful in getting us to move in the right direction. But we may find that the change doesn’t actually suit us or make us feel the way we had hoped. By embarking on the path slowly, we have the chance to look around and consider other options as we learn and grow. We have time to examine the underlying values of the desire for change and find ways to manifest those feelings, whether it looks exactly like our initial goal or not. Taking small steps forward gives us time to adjust and find secure footing on our new path.

Life doesn’t always give us the opportunity to anticipate or prepare for a big change, and at times, we may find ourselves overwhelmed by what is in front of us. By choosing to work on one thing at a time, we focus our attention on something manageable, and eventually, we will look up to see that we have accomplished quite a bit. Forcing change is, in essence, a sign that we do not trust the universe’s wisdom. Instead, we can listen to our inner guidance and make changes at a pace that is right for us, ensuring that we do so in alignment with the rhythm of the universe.(Daily OM)

Greens Declare War on Growing Greens

 Grow your own fruit and veg – and destroy the planet. Allotment produce, much prized by proud food-growing citizens the world over, has six times the ‘carbon’ footprint of conventional agriculture, according to a recent paper published by Nature. “Steps must be taken to ensure that urban agriculture supports, and does not undermine, urban decarbonisation efforts,” demand the authors. 

What have these people been smoking? Surely not some of the puff circulating at the recent Psychedelic Climate Week in New York. Highlights included a discussion on funding ketamine-assisted therapy and a panel on ‘Balancing Investing and Impact with Climate and Psychedelic Capital’.

The lead authors of the Nature paper are academics working out of the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. They suggest using urban farms as sites for “education, leisure and community building”. Perhaps the locals could sit cross-legged and listen to early Pink Floyd music. Maybe clap the setting sun to some Atom Heart Mother. 

Excuse your correspondent if he cannot take this paper seriously. It is a classic example of greens picking on a human activity – almost any will do – and complaining that it causes the devil-gas carbon dioxide to be released. At the recent New York climate happening, according to the Guardian, revellers were told that using hallucinogens can spark “consciousness shifts” to inspire climate-friendly behaviour. What climate friendly behaviour, one might ask, given that almost anything humans do to improve their lot of Earth is demonised by an increasingly weird millenarian green cult....<<<Read More>>>..

UFO – Love To Love

Breaking the Boundaries of Sleep: First-Ever Dream Communication Achieved

 A neurotechnology company claims to have made a groundbreaking breakthrough—achieving the first-ever instance of communication within dreams.

According to reports, California-based startup REMSpace, which has been pioneering technologies to induce or enhance lucid dreaming, has accomplished something previously thought impossible: two individuals, while asleep and in separate locations, communicated with each other through the medium of their dreams.

Although the precise technical details of the experiment remain undisclosed, reports suggest that the two participants were connected remotely, each from their own home, using specialized equipment....<<<Read More>>>....


Quote for the Day


Was last week’s aurora borealis a natural phenomenon?

 Last week, the UK was treated to a spectacular display in the night sky. On Thursday, 10 October, the aurora borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, could be seen as far south as Kent and East Anglia.

For anyone who has seen the pictures and videos and despite corporate media reporting that it was a “natural phenomenon,” the first question that came to mind was: 

Was it a natural phenomenon?

Being sceptical that last week’s Northern Lights was natural is not unreasonable considering similar spectacular shows in our night skies, worldwide, happened five months ago on 10 May. By coincidence, or not, HAARP’s aurora switch had been turned on the week before to create “artificial airglows.” ...<<<Read More>>>...

Kamala unwinding

Don’t kid yourself: Kamala Harris does not want to be President of the United States. She doesn’t even want the ceremonial stuff, the incessant shuffling from one photo op to the next, the tedious Easter egg rolls, the prayer meetings, the turkey pardonings, the tiresome state banquets for men in strange headgear who are unfamiliar with using the fork and knife, and forbidden to sip chardonnay. . . .

It’s obvious she has been played for a chump, that she was sandbagged into play-acting “the candidate” by an odd coalition of the distraught and the desperate — that is, the many agency blobsters who fear prison and the perfidious politicians such as Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch the Turtle, the Clintons, and Obama, paid to cover for the blob, often doing it badly, who fear the judgment of history, as well as the loss of their fortunes. Distraught and desperate characters make foolish decisions.

About thirty seconds after “Joe Biden” vowed to stay in the 2024 race, a delegation of these panicked pols paid him a call and passed him the black spot, knowing he could not credibly front for the massive election cheat underway. He was barely able to front for the previous one in 2020, when every lever of power got pulled to-the-max to conceal the truth about the steal, and to severely punish those who dared to murmur doubts about the election’s freeness and fairness....<<<Read More>>>....

Sunday 13 October 2024

Who’s Afraid of the Paranormal?

It usually goes something like this: average family live peaceful existence in house. Then one day, objects mysteriously relocate. The dog barks at unseen intruders. The tap that usually streams hot water now vomits a liquid the colour of blood. Strange noises are heard in the middle of the night; on the bed, the billowing duvet outlines the shape of a body that no one can see. The youngest child becomes fluent in a previously dead ancient language before scribbling cryptic words such as REDRUM all over the walls (hint: read in front of a mirror). The mother turns hysterical, the husband tries to rationalise the unusual hubbub only to succumb to paranoia followed by the sudden acquisition of otherworldly powers, such as freezing objects with his breath and fingernails that turn into meat cleavers whenever he loses his cool.

Modern paranormal movies have come a long way from the halcyon days of grainy black and white film noir when a good fright involved a poor choice of short cut through the cemetery at midnight. Latter-day blockbusters such as Paranormal Activity, The Sixth Sense and X-Men not only leverage the visual baggage we carry in our cultural psyche, they also rely on cutting-edge special effects to bring these myths to life and peel several more micro-layers of skin off our collective hides. Just like zombies, they come crawling into our homes, hell-bent on scaring the living daylights out of the living. And we can’t get enough of it.

Modern society seems obsessed with the paranormal, and yet our comfort level with it is 50-50: we are at the same time curious and repelled by that which we cannot see. This dichotomy is due in part to how we perceive the world around us. Or to be more precise, how we don’t....<<<Read More>>>...

Fall of Tartaria-Who or What was Responsible?

Backup data proves Tina Peters was right: The 2020 election was STOLEN by Democrats

 Before getting hauled off to prison for allegedly "tampering with voting machines after the 2020 presidential election," former Mesa County, Colo., election official Tina Peters backed up the proof she compiled showing that the 2020 election was tampered with and manipulated to produce a "win" for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

January 6 political prisoner John Strand tweeted the goods this week to prove that criminals deleted the audit trail and system logs before replacing real voting files with fake ones. This in effect rendered Donald Trump and other Republicans "losers" in 2020.

"Tina Peters backing up the elections data before they wiped the systems gave the public a rare opportunity to analyze before and after the tampering – and it shows clear and deliberate manipulation of the voting systems," Strand explains.

"Now we know why the Democrat Judge in her case refused nearly all of her witnesses and excluded virtually all of her defenses, then sentenced her to 9 years in prison – because if this became a nationwide story the entire house of cards with Dominion could fall."...<<<Read More>>>...

Scientists Claim the Universe Is Alive—And Your Brain’s Tapped Into It

 Scientists have long speculated about the nature of our world and consciousness, with some theories edging into the realm of quantum fiction. In pursuit of one such idea, researchers have begun developing a device designed to link the human brain with a phenomenon of universal scale.

A recent study proposes that consciousness may not be exclusive to humans but could also be an inherent feature of the Universe, guided by resonant frequencies that connect all matter—from stars to cells.

According to this theory, electromagnetic vibrations create a universal harmony, with human consciousness representing just one small part of a larger cosmic pattern....<<<Read More>>>...

UK Pubs Will Have to Employ ‘Banter Bouncers’ Under Labour’s Plans to ‘Protect’ Workers From Overhearing ‘Offensive’ Conversations

 Last year, the Free Speech Union led the charge against the Worker Protection Bill, a private members’ bill that would have extended employers’ liability for harassment of their employees to third parties, i.e., members of the public. 

Among other things, it would have meant the owners of pubs, bars and restaurant having to employ ‘banter cops’ to police their customers lest a member of staff overhear a conversation that upsets them. 

In effect, the Bill would have turbo-charged the Equality Act, imposing eye-watering compliance costs on owners of hospitality businesses and having a chilling effect on free speech. We succeeded up to a point and the Worker Protection Act, when it eventually received Royal Assent, only extended employers’ liability to third party sexual harassment, not any other form....<<<Read More>>>....

The Government’s given you a “Ration Book” for Electricity. You just don’t know it….

 We’re about to say welcome to Winter 2024, a season that makes the Blitz look like a summer picnic when it comes to electricity. With freezing temperatures outside and eye-watering bills inside, it feels like rationing is back—only this time, there’s no government-printed book with neat little coupons. Instead, we have a new kind of “rationing,” courtesy of the invisible hand of the energy market.

You can forget those comforting symbols of sacrifice for the greater good. No community spirit or wartime camaraderie here—just flashing screens, digital nudges, and a sickening feeling every time you glance at your smart meter. The buzzword this winter is “voluntary load shedding,” a phrase that sounds like the name of a dreary indie band but means one thing: if you want to keep the lights on, you’d better be prepared to turn them off yourself.

Let’s be clear: we’re not short of energy. No, no. We’re short of affordable energy. The raw cost of the fuels needed to generate electricity—oil and gas—has actually dropped. That’s right. While you’re here, huddled under a blanket, suppliers are buying up barrels at prices we haven’t seen this low in years. So why aren’t your bills reflecting this?

Simple. Energy companies are playing a rigged game. They’re cashing in on lower raw prices, then throttling the supply to create the illusion of scarcity. By limiting the amount of electricity fed into the grid, they’re keeping the prices sky-high. It’s the oldest trick in the book: create a shortage, charge a premium. They might as well be selling you bottled tap water for champagne prices, only instead of hydration, you’re getting a precious trickle of heat...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Saturday 12 October 2024

EMF Radiation Illness, Rapid Population Decline, and the Rise of 5G Robots

 Bear in mind that 'humans' are possibly a now outdated version of an A.I 'robot' that was created to replace previous versions. So this could be nothing more than the next reset in the illusory cycle ...


Drones and humanoid robotic machines equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) are on the rise. At the same time a significant population crisis is on the horizon. This investigation recognises how the penetration of “intelligent” technologies, role of population planning, and post-pandemic policy implementations – serving the rapid development of data-driven “smart” societies based on sustainability politics – are all contributing to an unfolding population crisis and health impacts that favours the rise of robots.

According to demographers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) this population crisis could “completely reconfigure the global economy and international balance of power – and will necessitate the reorganising of societies”. It has been suggested that, as this is a population replacement crisis, technology will be a part of the replacement crisis “solution.” It is anticipated that “AI and automation will…pick up the slack”, as the Financial Times puts it.

5G networks integrating cloud and AI digitalisation are already creating the foundations for artificial life to bloom and assert its influence on our populations – but at what cost? Is all of the “blue sky” thinking concerning implementations of robots and artificial intelligence really for solving society’s problems, or to sustain mega-profits and questionable political gains that ultimately fragment the populace and, quite possibly, dismantle democracies? Significant issues deserve our attention, as our future’s trajectory becomes massively influenced by the politics of AI and robotics....<<<Read More>>>...

Ways We Numb Ourselves

 We are born equipped to experience a complex array of diverse emotions. Many of us, however, are uncomfortable confronting our most powerful emotions. We may shy away from delight and despair, and deny life’s colors by retreating into a world of monotone gray. We may numb ourselves to what we are truly feeling. It’s easier to suppress our emotions than to deal with them, so we may momentarily turn to pleasures such as alcohol, food, sugar, shopping, and too much television. We may even numb our hearts. While it’s normal to temporarily seek distractions as a means of coping with intense emotions, numbing yourself prevents you from confronting your issues and keeps you from ever finding resolution or peace. When you are numb, there might be no pain, but there also can be no joy or healing.

The activities that numb you may seem harmless or pleasurable, but using them diminishes the quality of your life. Numbing yourself so that you don’t have to feel intense emotions can often satisfy a surface need while blocking your awareness of a deeper need. You may find solace in food or shopping when what you really need is spiritual nourishment. The less you feel, the less alive you feel. Your feelings add vividness to your experiences and serve to connect you to the world around you. It is possible to disavow yourself of numbing behaviors a little at a time, and once again, taste life’s rich flavors. When you sense that you are engaging in a particular behavior simply to deaden your emotions, stop and ask yourself why. Examining the feelings that drive you to do this to yourself can help you understand what is triggering your desire to emotionally fade out.

With each numbing activity that you cut out of your life, you’ll find yourself being more aware and experiencing a greater emotional acuity. Senses once shrouded by the fog become sharp and acute. Traumas and pain long hidden will emerge to the forefront of your consciousness and reveal themselves so that you can heal them. You’ll discover a deeper you — a self that is comfortable experiencing and working through intense emotions with courage and grace. (Daily OM)

Magical Child Archetype

 The Magical Child archetype is representative of the part of each of us which is enchanting to other people, as well as enchanted in of itself. The Magical Child is able to see the sacred beauty in the world and those within in, as well as the potential for such beauty where others would never be able to imagine it could exist.

They are the type of child that believes in fairies at the bottom of the garden or that animals can really speak to them.

They spend much time slightly detached from the realities of the world in which they live, daydreaming and engaged in imaginative play in their own fantasy world.

The Magical Child finds the literary world and fairy tales compelling, enjoying losing themselves in the fantastical stories within. They may also enjoy writing such stories as well as reading them, using their vivid imagination to create their own characters and worlds....<<<Read More>>>...

Tartaria: Rewritten History Exposed (Fully Explained)

The New World Order is real: The battle is for our minds

 At a recent Heritage Party conference, Brian Gerrish explained the forces trying to bring in a totalitarian one world government and how the people can resist.

“You can’t fight what you cannot see and do not understand,” he said.

The battle is for our minds,. Gerrish explained, “Because by capturing our minds they can capture everything. Everything about our life is gone. So, this is psychological warfare on your mind.”

The New World Order is also referred to as the “rules-based international order” or “one world governance,” and understanding what it is and how it works is crucial in fighting against it.

Research and observation are necessary to understand the New World Order and its mechanisms, as it is a complex issue that cannot be fully grasped in a short amount of time. The effects of the New World Order, such as stress, depression, anxiety, and uncertainty, are deliberate and part of the psychological warfare being waged...<<<Read More>>>....

Onions: Nature’s often overlooked superfood

Onions, scientifically known as Allium cepa, are more than just a kitchen staple. They have been used for centuries across various cultures, not only for their rich flavor but also for their medicinal properties.

Recent studies, including one published in the Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (ECAM) journal, highlight that onions are packed with bioactive compounds – natural chemicals that provide a range of health benefits.

The benefits of onions begin with their remarkable nutrient profile. Although they are often overlooked in favor of more glamorous superfoods, onions quietly deliver a wide range of essential nutrients in every bite.

A medium-sized raw onion (about 148 grams) provides just 45 calories, with no fat or cholesterol. While low in calories, onions are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber – all of which play a key role in promoting overall health....<<<Read More>>>....

Quote for the Day


Friday 11 October 2024

Asian state starts testing airport arrivals for killer disease

Kazakhstan has taken steps to prevent the introduction and spread of Marburg virus, citing a WHO warning.

The health authorities in Kazakhstan have introduced mandatory body temperature checks of passengers arriving in the country's airports from abroad, according to a statement on Monday. 

This comes amid an outbreak of a highly infectious and potentially lethal disease in Africa.

The illness, known as Marburg virus disease (MVD), starts with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and abdominal pain. In some cases, patients die through extreme blood loss. The virus spreads between people through contact with bodily fluids or with surfaces, such as contaminated bedsheets.

Marburg is from the same family of viruses as Ebola but has been described as more severe.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease has a fatality rate of up to 88%. An outbreak of MVD was confirmed last month by the health authorities in Rwanda.

Kazakhstan's health officials have cited a warning issued by WHO last week stating that there is a high risk of the outbreak spreading beyond the East African country....<<<Read More>>>...

Nobel Prize Winner Warns of AI Threat After Leaving Google

 Two men who won this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics are pioneers in artificial intelligence (AI), and one of them is often called its “godfather.”

According to Reuters, American physicist John Hopfield and AI expert Geoffrey Hinton were awarded the prestigious prize this week. Hinton, known as the “godfather of AI,” made groundbreaking contributions in 2012 that helped shape modern neural networks. However, in 2023, he left his role at Google to join others warning about the dangers of AI.

In an interview with the New York Times last year, Hinton explained that he once believed Google was a “proper steward” of AI. That view changed when Microsoft teamed up with OpenAI to release GPT-4, the language model behind ChatGPT.

Although Hinton didn’t think AI was near its peak at the time, the 76-year-old recognized the significant shift triggered by the Microsoft-OpenAI partnership, reports<<<Read More>>>...


Technetronic Enslavement: Life Inside the Matrix of Control

The march of modern progress has brought forth many advances for humanity, and yet man is lost. Technology, automation, and miniaturisation, along with the micro-processing revolution, allow things to happen that were unimaginable only ten years ago, let alone a century before. These rapid advances have brought with them a number of complex problems, some of which challenge the very notion of progress.

If you define the level of an advanced civilisation by how much freedom its citizens experience in their day to day lives – along with the protection of individual liberties as we have come to expect in the 21st century – then the march of the mass surveillance state over the last 15 years should be of serious concern. Despite public pleas from our leaders that, ‘if only we pass this next law or security measure’, or ‘if we can just launch one more month of airstrikes’, or ‘if the public will allow just a bit more access to their personal information…’ and so on, the state and its corporate partners have developed a firm grip on power over, and intrusions into, our personal lives that is only increasing.

In the West, a type of cognitive dissonance has already set in regard to this and other related issues – partly due to the sheer dominance of the ‘war on terror’ and national security narratives that overtook society after 11 September 2001. Since then, it seems that every six months or so the narrative is revised; as one perceived threat subsides, another emerges in its place....<<<Read More>>>...

Why Did They Cut Down All The Giant Trees?

Quote for the Day


“Misogynist” Schoolboys Face Terror Unit Probes

 Even comments about a “woman’s place being in the kitchen” could be enough to spark a referral to the unit, sources said last night.

Critics say the move would dilute Prevent’s work in deradicalising potential terrorists at a time of huge global tensions.

The plan – which would place sexism on a par with Islamic extremism – was discussed in high-level meetings between Home Office and Prevent experts in recent weeks. The Home Office is looking at widening the Prevent programme to combat growing misogyny among teenagers, fuelled by vile social media influencers such as Andrew Tate, but some civil servants warn the plans risk reducing the anti-radicalisation unit to becoming “a wing of social services”.

One Prevent source said last night: “Lots of young boys hold extreme sexist views about girls, which teachers will hear and make referrals. This will then overload the system, and Prevent will not be able to concentrate on Islamist or far-Right extremism.”...<<<Read More>>>....

Demonising the elderly

 Ageism is rife. Elder abuse is now common, with older citizens being bullied and harassed and demonised when they are at their most vulnerable; frail and in need of caring, support, sympathy, patience and understanding.

The elderly and the poor will be demonised and made to feel guilty if they don’t submit to euthanasia. Conditioning, propaganda and predictive programming are all being used to promote the idea that older citizens have a duty to die when they reach 70 years of age. Young people (by which I mean both the Z generation and the millennials) are encouraged to loathe anyone over 60 and to blame them for everything they feel is unsatisfactory in their own lives.

Nowhere is ageism more obvious than in health care. In the UK, the elderly have been abandoned. Women having sex change operations on the NHS are now being given free fertility treatment so that they can have babies after they become men. There is plenty of money to pay nursery school fees for rich parents but no money to provide care for the elderly. Britain’s health service has the staff, the time and the money to provide free gender ID clinics, but the elderly are not allowed to have cataract operations under the NHS until they are virtually blind (the authorities clearly hope that they will either be dead or too old for surgery). 

This absurd policy means that old people denied such surgery cannot look after themselves, and need to be cared for – usually by relatives or neighbours since the State won’t do that these days. No one in authority cares a damn about the quality of life of septuagenarians who are unable to feed themselves, read, use the internet or watch television. The politicians and the bureaucrats do not have the wit or imagination to realise that one day they too may be unable to feed themselves, use the internet or watch television....<<<Read More>>>...

Japan to introduce self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine with a 90% adverse event rate, and the U.S. is next in line

 ARCT-154 became the world’s first self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine after receiving approval from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare in November 2023. It was developed by biotechnology firm CSL in collaboration with Arcturus Therapeutics.

Unlike mRNA vaccines — which only produce the spike protein necessary for immune response as long as the mRNA persists — saRNA vaccines are engineered to create copies of themselves and the proteins they encode. This "biological printing press" could theoretically amplify the vaccine’s presence and multiply its effects within the body indefinitely.

According to CSL, the vaccine demonstrated higher immunogenicity and a favorable safety profile compared to original mRNA vaccines during clinical trials. However, independent vaccine researchers are voicing serious concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of this untested technology.

Dr. Nicolas Hulscher stated, “These products are completely new. There is absolutely no long-term safety data on them.” In trials for ARCT-154, he noted a near 90 percent adverse event rate after the first dose, with clinicians observing significant systemic reactions in participants. Serious and medically-attended adverse events were only recorded from Day 1 to Day 92.

Karina Acevedo Whitehouse, a microbiology professor, emphasized the lack of comprehensive studies on the long-term effects of self-amplifying mRNA technology. She pointed out that there are no assessments of potential cellular transformations, including the risks of cancerous mutations or inflammatory responses. “We simply do not know what the consequences could be,” she warned.

“There have also been no studies conducted on trans-generational effects — for instance, teratogenicity [birth defects] — of self-amplifying mRNA injections,” she said. “We simply do not know what the consequences could be.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 10 October 2024

The Feeling Underneath

Many people suffer from the tendency to apologize all the time. On the one hand, apologizing is a social convention that keeps interactions between people polite, and in that way, it can be very helpful. On the other hand, if we find ourselves apologizing for everything, it might be time to look at why we feel compelled to say “I’m sorry” so often. Ultimately, saying you’re sorry is saying that you are responsible for something that has gone wrong in the situation. Whether it’s negotiating a parking spot, moving through the aisles of the supermarket, or reaching for what you want, there are times when sorry is the right thing to say. But there are other times when “excuse me” is more accurate.

Sometimes saying you’re sorry is like saying that the other person in the equation has more of a right to be here than you do. Of course, it’s true that using the word sorry can simply be an innocuous way of defusing tension. However, if you find that you say sorry all the time, you might want to look a little deeper and see where in your psyche that might be coming from. If it’s a pattern, breaking it may simply take some awareness and practice.

The first step is observing yourself each time you say it — without being hard on yourself about it. Throughout your day, simply notice when you apologize. At first, you might be surprised to see that you do it even more than you realized. After a day or two of simply observing, try to tune in to what it is you are feeling right before you say it. You might feel threatened, embarrassed, intensely anxious, or a variety of other feelings. Over time, try to stop yourself before the words come out and just be with the feeling that’s there. You may recognize it as one from your childhood, one that’s been with you for a long time. The more you are able to see it, the freer you will be not to be sorry all the time. (Daily Om)

"These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof"

Quote for the Day


Neanderthals: Not Less Intelligent, Just Different

 There is no definitive evidence yet that ancient hominids were inferior to Homo sapiens in cognitive development.

Were Neanderthals really just recent ancestors who were surpassed by the smarter and more agile Homo sapiens? This position may be wrong, writes IFLScience.

Neanderthals lived on Earth together with early Homo sapiens and died out about 40 thousand years ago. It is early humans who are blamed for the extinction of the Neanderthals, although this theory remains unproven.

Recent advances in paleontology have allowed scientists to study the likely structure of the Neanderthal brain in more detail. What is now known is that the Neanderthal brain was about the same size as a human brain, but had a different shape....<<<Read More>>>...


The Mud-Flood Cover-Up / Joe Telford

Conspiracy theorists, you were right: The climate change agenda is the depopulation agenda, even though no one knows what the global population is

 On Tuesday, The Guardian published an article that admits the climate agenda is the depopulation agenda.

What is also notable is the article boldly claims the global human population is increasing by 200,000 people a day. The world’s population is a guesstimate, so how can they know it is increasing by that number? The truth is they don’t.

It simply isn’t possible to be sure exactly how many people there are on the Earth at any one time. If it is uncertain how many people there are, it is even less certain by how many people the population is increasing, if indeed it is increasing.

The Guardian was publicising a report by a group of “experts” who had written a declaration of a ‘Warning of a Climate Emergency’ in 2020 for “scientists” worldwide to sign. Their recent report was designed to solicit additional signatories.

How did The Guardian’s journalist miss that the “expert’s” report was merely activism? The article was written by a 20-year environmental reporting veteran who won this year’s press award for his “agenda-setting journalism on the climate crisis.” He didn’t overlook the activism; he was helping to set the agenda....<<<Read More>>>...