For me the Dragonfly has major magickal significance, especially in the days of regular sojourns to mystical Avalon (Glastonbury). Back then I would almost always have a dragonfly land on my shoulder or my arm when I spent a meditative hour or two in the Chalice Well Gardens.
I've not forgotten the wonder and spiritual significance since. I thought those spiritual connections were long since gone.
However, today ... whilst busily walking the city street during lunch break (I needed some fresh air after a long and arduous morning of tendering and financial contemplation) ... an adult Dragonfly was hovering the air before me. Seemingly waiting for me to notice it!
Interestingly, I link the Dragonfly with the realm of Yesod and the archangel of that Sepiroth - Gabriel. In recent nights I'd been re-connecting with the realm of Foundation. So it was not surprising then that Gabriel sent one of his little minions to 'keep a watchful eye on me' ..... in the space of two days now TWO of my protectors have sent a physical creature to acknowledge their presence ... and notification of my tenure once more back on the Tree!