Kether is the uncreated and all-encompassing "point" of actionless unity which is both transcendent and immanent in its evanescent reflection: the Creation. The immanence of Kether is experienced in progressively more diluted forms in the remainder of the sefirot; its transcendence is found in the three Veils of Negative Existence.
Negative Existence is, by its very essence, beyond definition; and the fact that there is considered to be a triad of Negative Veils should not detract from their essential unity: the three-fold process is a fundamental precept of many occult systems. The triadic unity of the Negative Veils foreshadows that of the Supernals. The Veils hold the transcendent aspects of the manifest sefirot, and their focus on Kether makes it the Malkuth of the transcendent tree.