“In the middle 1890’s Rhodes had a personal income of at least a million pounds sterling a year which he spent so freely for mysterious purposes that he was usually overdrawn on his account … Cecil Rhodes’ commitment to a conspiracy to establish World Government was set down in a series of wills described by Frank Aydelotte in his book American Rhodes Scholarships.” -Dr. Carroll Quigley, “Tragedy and Hope”
“One of the most important secret societies within the Illuminati web is called the Round Table. It is based in Britain with branches across the world, and it is the Round Table that orchestrates the network of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.” –David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop”
Just like the ancient Mystery Schools, the Templars, Masons, Illuminati, and other secret societies, the Round Table groups were/are conducted in a pyramid structure with the most knowledge kept at the peak and each person down the line working on a need-to-know basis. Or as Rhodes discussed in his will, a succession of inner and outer circles ... read more ...