Jack was mentioned to Kristine. We considered every Jack we knew to be in 'the spirit world'. His manner did not suit any of them. So the identity of Jack was a mystery. That was up until this morning.
I woke up and had a wash, ready for work. At this point I clearly heard an elderly lady commenting about her 'renal failure' and her 'reflux problem'. I was then beseiged with the nattering of a group of 'elderly believers' who were thrilled to have found a way to communicate with the earthplane. Some of the group were my deceased relations, and some were Kristine's. However there still was no Jack. About half an hour later, one of the contactees began talking about Kristine's father's grand-dad and the row of houses he built. There was mention of one of the occupants of these houses, and several bits of information including coming from a large family ...
Then, Jack made himself known to me again. This time I needed to know who he was.
Just as we were going out of the door, on our way to work ... he chimed in my head with "I dated Kristine's Mum before she met her Dad. I could nearly have been her Father. Her Mum scared the sh1t out of me and that's why I was taking the mickey out of you ..."
I mentioned to Kristine that 'Jack was seeing your Mum before your Dad'. Kristine immediately replied with, 'that's right she was. Oh it's THAT Jack, yes he had a big family ... 8 kids with the woman he eventually married.' Kristine confirmed that she'd never told me about 'this Jack' ....
So search over. I found 'Jack'. Now I've to find the reason WHY this Jack has come to visit!