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Friday, 11 June 2010

It's All Change (Again) ...

It's all difference (again) ... with a new layout after tweaking the design feature; after opening Pandora's Box. And, it feels at the moment like the time you get a new haircut, and you see yourself in the mirror for the first time! It's 'oh no what have I done' ... "I wish the hairdresser hadn't taken that much off' ... or 'I wish she'd dyed my hair with a different colour!'

For sure I'm feeling a little 'OMG what have I done?' It's such a drastic change ... but at least with the new layout I can change the background shot ... it's currently a sunset.

I guess I'm going to have to add yet another poll on the new layout to see if its liked or disliked. I haven't a clue if I can resort back to the old layout! So I may now be stuck with this new trendy hairdo!!!

A big soz to those who don't like the new layout one bit! Please don't let it put you off visiting this part of cybespace!