Mental Mediumship can be divided into two main categories, control and perception.
Control Mediumship is often known as Trance Mediumship. The medium allows Spirit to blend with their energies to such an extent that Spirit can assume a certain degree of control over the medium. This is achieved via the mind; therefore the medium will always be able to influence (to a degree) what takes place, so you are not out of control.
We can allow Spirit to use us for a number of different purposes: healing, speaking, writing, painting or for the production of physical phenomena.
Healing Mediumship in the trance allow ‘Spirit Doctors’ to use specific energies to help heal others even more so in the normal state of consciousness. The relationship between the Medium and Spirit has direct effect upon the quality and effectiveness of the healing energies.
Speaking or allowing a spirit control to speak through us whilst in the trance state gives us access to divine inspiration on an ongoing basis. Over the last 150+ years we have had an immense amount of philosophy, guidance and encouragement from those that love us and want to help us to live more spiritual lives.
Writing whilst in trace is called Automatic Writing. The Spirit Author controls the medium’s hand to write, sometimes in his or her own handwriting, or in mirror writing. It is possible for the more developed automatic writing mediums to have both hands simultaneously writing in mirror writing by two different spirit controls.
Painting in trance is similar to writing, in that the hands are controlled. The end result can be quite spectacular in that pictures in the style of the great masters can be produced with great speed.
---Copyright Lisa Williams---