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Friday, 11 June 2010

Pandora's Box!

BLOGGER has kindly given me some new toys to play with! There's a design feature now ... a Pandora's Box ... to try out. In other words, I think that the appearance of A Light In The Darkness will be changing again! Another transition, more changes to come. There's also many many exciting things going on in the background which never get reported onto A Light In The Darkness ... which maybe need to be included in a live journal? I don't know the format yet ... but I'm getting involved (Shortly) in workshops, development circles, mediumship demonstrations; initially Australia-wide, but who knows ... elsewhere (I should know being clairvoyant?). Plus, there are books to be published and flyers, worksheets ... so watch this space. The button has been pressed! So the changes in appearance of A Light In The Darkness only represent the changes occurring in the background! MJ