Inspirational music by Medwyn Goodall
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
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Sunday, 31 October 2010
Using EMF Detectors for Paranormal Investigation
In the paranormal field, it’s largely accepted that in order to communicate or manifest, spirits must gather energy from their surroundings. If this theory is possible, then the energy waves that are altered during the process can be measured. Paranormal investigators measure these changes in the electromagnetic field with EMF detectors.
To detect changes in the electromagnetic field, paranormal investigators first sweep a given area to discover that location’s base reading (In other words, the normal reading). A typical base reading is usually anywhere from 2 to 3 milligaus. A needle on the EMF Detector moves back and forth to indicate changes in electromagnetic energy. The needle moves to the right for higher levels of electromagnetic energy. Any spike on the EMF detector that occurs in combination with a sound, visual evidence, a cold spot, or disembodied voice caught on tape could mean that a spirit is trying to manifest.
Since EMF detectors measure the strength of the electromagnetic field, investigators often find sources of electrical leakages instead of paranormal activity. Electrical leakages can result in the following symptoms: headaches, nausea, fear, paranoia, anxiety and if the leakage is severe enough, hallucinations. (Suite 101)
Inspiration For The Day
"Our purpose is hidden in our joy, our inspiration, our excitement. As we act on what shows up in our life our purpose shows up." -- James King
"There is no more important step you can take than to define your life's purpose. It develops your sense of belonging to our universe." -- Arnold Patent
"There is no more important step you can take than to define your life's purpose. It develops your sense of belonging to our universe." -- Arnold Patent
Airport Body Scanners 'Could Give You Cancer', Warns Expert

U.K. Bomb, That Never Was, Designed to Detonate in Flight .
'A device found in the U.K. on a United Parcel Service Inc. plane bound for Chicago on Friday was designed to go off on the aircraft, Prime Minister David Cameron said Saturday. U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May added that the device was powerful enough to bring down the aircraft.
The U.K. doesn't believe it was being targeted in the incident because the attackers couldn't have known the route of the plane.
"We believe that the device was designed to go off on the airplane," Mr. Cameron said. "We cannot be sure about the timing when that was meant to take place. There is no early evidence it was designed to take place over British soil, but of course we cannot rule that out"...Read more:
The U.K. doesn't believe it was being targeted in the incident because the attackers couldn't have known the route of the plane.
"We believe that the device was designed to go off on the airplane," Mr. Cameron said. "We cannot be sure about the timing when that was meant to take place. There is no early evidence it was designed to take place over British soil, but of course we cannot rule that out"...Read more:
Looking Further

UAE Rejects US Claims on Flight 201

"The Emirates plane that arrived today in the United States from Dubai did not contain any packages from Yemen," the official Emirati WAM news agency quoted an unnamed source with the country's civil aviation body as saying.
Meanwhile, the US president hinted at boosting the US military role in Yemen following reports about the "suspicious packages".'..Read more:
'Will German's Solve Madeleine Mystery'?
Kate and Gerry McCann believe a German tourist could hold the key to their daughter’s disappearance. The desperate couple are pleading with Germans holidaying in Portugal’s Algarve to keep their eyes open in the search for Madeleine. The McCanns last week launched their official Find Maddie website in German. The move follows a boost to the private investigative team, with three former British policemen joining and a shake-up of the Maddie Fund board of directors, as exclusively revealed by the Sunday Express last week.
The new-look website, aimed at reaching a bigger part of Europe, has given fresh hope to the family, from Rothley, Leicestershire.
Their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said yesterday: “Kate and Gerry are very pleased with the new site and hope it will lead to important new developments. They have long wanted to make sure they reach the German public because so many Germans were holidaying in the Algarve at the time Madeleine disappeared.” (
The new-look website, aimed at reaching a bigger part of Europe, has given fresh hope to the family, from Rothley, Leicestershire.
Their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said yesterday: “Kate and Gerry are very pleased with the new site and hope it will lead to important new developments. They have long wanted to make sure they reach the German public because so many Germans were holidaying in the Algarve at the time Madeleine disappeared.” (
Beltane: 31st October 2010 (Southern Hemisphere)
Northern Hemisphere Date: May 1st
Also known as Bealtaine, Walpurgisnacht, May Day, (Northern Hemisphere) & Novey Eve (in Southern Hemisphere).
Beltane, the beginning of the summer months is at the November cross-quarter. This is the festival of the Great Rite - of sexual union between Goddess and God. Beltane is the spring fertility festival and there is feasting and celebration - a great festival for lovers! Beltane is the most popular time for Witches to be handfasted. This is the time when the brilliant red flowers of the Flame Trees highlight Australian forests and gardens. The famous Austrlian horse race - the Melbourne Cup - is happily coincident with southern Beltane, being run on the first Tuesday in November and taken as an unofficial holiday across Australia. (Spheres Of Light)
Also known as Bealtaine, Walpurgisnacht, May Day, (Northern Hemisphere) & Novey Eve (in Southern Hemisphere).
Beltane, the beginning of the summer months is at the November cross-quarter. This is the festival of the Great Rite - of sexual union between Goddess and God. Beltane is the spring fertility festival and there is feasting and celebration - a great festival for lovers! Beltane is the most popular time for Witches to be handfasted. This is the time when the brilliant red flowers of the Flame Trees highlight Australian forests and gardens. The famous Austrlian horse race - the Melbourne Cup - is happily coincident with southern Beltane, being run on the first Tuesday in November and taken as an unofficial holiday across Australia. (Spheres Of Light)
The Southern Wheel of the Year

In many forms of Paganism, the passing of time is seen as cyclical, and is represented by a circle or wheel. The progression of birth, life, decline and death, as experienced in human lives, is echoed in the progression of the seasons. Many Pagans also see this cycle as echoing the life, death and rebirth of the God and the fertility of the Goddess.
As the Wheel originates in the Northern Hemisphere, in the Southern Hemisphere most Pagans advance these dates six months so as to coincide with the natural seasons as they occur in their local climates. For instance, an Australian Pagan may celebrate Beltane on the 1st of November, when a Northern Hemisphere Pagan is celebrating Samhain.
The Pagan Wheel of the Year turns through many significant dates and festivals. The highlights are the eight seasonal Sabbats, and the thirteen Esbats which we celebrate each Full Moon.
The Sabbats are divided into two groups. The Greater Sabbats; Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas, fall on dates that represent high energy in the season. The Lesser Sabbats; Yule, Ostara, Litha and Mabon, fall on the equinoxes and solstices, the dates of which vary slightly from year to year, and they mark the changes of the four seasons. The Greater Sabbats are also known as the "cross-quarter" days as they mark the point between the solstice and the equinox.
This seasonal cycle is one of the key ways in which we see the processes of birth, growth, death, and rebirth play themselves out, and the myth of the Wheel of the Year was created to illustrate this cycle.
There are many variations of the myth throughout the different Pagan Traditions but the underlying theme is the same, and the rituals of the Sabbats are derived from this myth. A simplified version is given below:
In midwinter, the Goddess gives birth to a son, the God, who grows to adolescence by spring. In spring, the Goddess appears to the God in a youthful form. She falls pregnant to him and grows in beauty through summer and autumn. Over the same time, the God ages and slowly dies, symbolizing winter. In the darkest time, when the days are at their shortest, the Goddess gives birth to her son, the God, whom she will again take as a lover in spring, continuing the life cycle or spiral.
In this myth the Triple Goddess goes through the changing aspects of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The God brings forth the force of projective energy, the Spark of Life, and also the withdrawing and destructive energy of Death. The Goddess absorbs, reflects and transforms these energies. The Goddess and God are viewed as immortal and imperishable; they are the Duality of the Divine. Their different aspects are a symbolic shifting of cycles, ones we discover within ourselves, our World and throughout our own lives. This is the process that produces balance; within and without, above and below....READ MORE...
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Mind, Meditation and Health
Within each of us there is an internal mental world – what I have come to think of as the sea inside – a wonderful rich place filled with thoughts and feelings, memories and dreams, hopes and wishes. It can also be a turbulent place where we experience the dark side of all those wonderful feelings and thoughts – fear, sorrow, dread, regret, nightmares.
When the inner sea seems to crash in on us, threatening to drag us down below to the dark depths, it can make us feel as if we are drowning. Who among us has not at one time or another felt overwhelmed by the sensations generated from within our own minds? Sometimes these feelings are just a passing thing … but sometimes they seem to be something much more intractable, so much part of the very essence of who we are that it might not even occur to us that we can change them. This is where the skill that I call “mindsight” comes in. It has the potential to free us from patterns of mind that are getting in the way of living our lives to the fullest.
Mindsight is a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings of our own minds. It helps us to be aware of our mental processes without being swept away by them, enables us to get ourselves off the autopilot of ingrained behaviors and habitual responses, and moves us beyond the reactive emotional loops we all have a tendency to get trapped in. It lets us “name and tame” the emotions we are experiencing rather than be overwhelmed by them.
Consider the difference between speaking or thinking, “I am sad” and “I feel sad.” Similar as those two statements may seem, there is actually a profound difference between them. “I am sad,” is a kind of self-definition and a very limiting one. “I feel sad,” suggests the ability to recognize and acknowledge a feeling without being consumed by it. The focusing skills that are a part of mindsight make it possible to distinguish between the feeling over the identity, accept the present moment of that feeling, let it go, and then transform it.
Consider the difference between speaking or thinking, “I am sad” and “I feel sad.” Similar as those two statements may seem, there is actually a profound difference between them. “I am sad,” is a kind of self-definition and a very limiting one. “I feel sad,” suggests the ability to recognize and acknowledge a feeling without being consumed by it. The focusing skills that are a part of mindsight make it possible to distinguish between the feeling over the identity, accept the present moment of that feeling, let it go, and then transform it.
Mindsight acts as a very special lens that gives us the capacity to perceive the mind with greater clarity than ever before. This lens is something that virtually everyone can develop, and once we have it we can dive deeply into the mental sea inside, exploring our own inner lives. A uniquely human ability, mindsight allows us to examine closely in great detail and depth, the process by which we think, feel, and behave. It also allows us to reshape and redirect our inner experiences so that we have more freedom of choice in our everyday actions, more power to create the future, to become the author of our own story. Mindsight is the basic skill that underlies everything we mean when we speak of having social and emotional intelligence...READ MORE..
Mysterious Origin
The lights descended ...
... the night was still ...
... the creatures of the land were silent in their slumber ...
A strange efflorescence shone from the tower hill
An eerie rapture touched the soil ... a spell of forgetting ... an alien intention.
The lights loomed closer ... closer ...
... tiny orbs of blue ... vibrating quickly ...
... a distant humming ... a chilling cacophony ...
A myriad of orbs then touched the earth ... in unison
... then lifted slightly ...
... in formation ... the intended shape.
Extract taken from "Somewhere Out There This Night" written by Matthew James May 2006
... the night was still ...
... the creatures of the land were silent in their slumber ...
A strange efflorescence shone from the tower hill
An eerie rapture touched the soil ... a spell of forgetting ... an alien intention.
The lights loomed closer ... closer ...
... tiny orbs of blue ... vibrating quickly ...
... a distant humming ... a chilling cacophony ...
A myriad of orbs then touched the earth ... in unison
... then lifted slightly ...
... in formation ... the intended shape.
Extract taken from "Somewhere Out There This Night" written by Matthew James May 2006
Classic Songs: "Doctor, Doctor"
UFO Performing live from 1975.
Michael Schenker(Guitar)
Phil Mogg(Vocals)
Pete Way(Bass)
Andy Parker(Drums)
Michael Schenker(Guitar)
Phil Mogg(Vocals)
Pete Way(Bass)
Andy Parker(Drums)
Observing Evolution

They WERE bombs: Al Qaeda planted explosives found in ink cartridge on jets in UK and Dubai heading for the U.S.

The Partitioned Human Brain
SuperConsciousness Magazine spoke with Jason Martell about the apparent genetic connection between the Anunnaki and human beings referenced in the ancient Sumerian tablets and reliefs.
The Sumerian evidence brought a new variable to light, which was that these beings that come from heaven actually were here, brought their technology and contributed genetic information to the human gene pool.
Another of the implications are, if we look at us as being a warring society, where does this need to constantly have wars come from? I think a lot of these pieces of information when put together into a different light, is more than likely that spiritually as well as technologically advanced beings have imparted wisdom to us. And, unfortunately over the years that knowledge about our past has been misconstrued as mythology rather than events that actually took place. What I have learned from my research is that the Anunnaki were here on Earth at one point, a designated human high priest would work with the Anunnaki. The priest would listen to their decrees and sacred information, or a scribe, sitting with the high priest, would write all of this down. And so the priests would have sacred knowledge that was only passed on by those priests that the Anunnaki taught. We still use that very same [educational] model today.
It was important information that when we were receiving from them, but then all of a sudden, the Anunnaki left earth. The high priests were left in a difficult position of people asking them for the laws and the new information from our gods, but they no longer had access to the gods. So, instead, what they did was they created statues of the various different types of gods and started worshipping these statues in place of the actual beings, because that’s all they could do. And that process also still continues on to today..... READ MORE...

Your investigation lead you to agree that we, the human species, are genetically tied to alien races, specifically the Anunnaki which is documented in Zecharia Sitchin’s research and books – that we’re genetically created from some combination of their genes and earth’s pre-existing life forms. Have you found that this knowledge satisfies your questions about where we come from?
The texts clearly state that the Anunnaki created us for a specific purpose, which was to mine gold. There are many pieces of Sumerian evidence that support that idea. For one, every human being on Earth seems to be very much attracted to gold. The whole idea of holding a bar of gold in your hand, people look at it and they get excited. So, the other thing that’s really interesting is the fact that every other species on this planet has a neurological network in the brain that they fully utilize: All other species use all of their synapses. Human beings are the only ones that have a genetic partition on their brain where we’re only using up to ten percent of the brain. No one can answer that except put into the context of the Anunnaki creating us, just like the Bible says, in their image and after their likeness. We have many of the same attitudes and understandings and anger and feelings the Anunnaki probably possessed.
Another of the implications are, if we look at us as being a warring society, where does this need to constantly have wars come from? I think a lot of these pieces of information when put together into a different light, is more than likely that spiritually as well as technologically advanced beings have imparted wisdom to us. And, unfortunately over the years that knowledge about our past has been misconstrued as mythology rather than events that actually took place. What I have learned from my research is that the Anunnaki were here on Earth at one point, a designated human high priest would work with the Anunnaki. The priest would listen to their decrees and sacred information, or a scribe, sitting with the high priest, would write all of this down. And so the priests would have sacred knowledge that was only passed on by those priests that the Anunnaki taught. We still use that very same [educational] model today.
It was important information that when we were receiving from them, but then all of a sudden, the Anunnaki left earth. The high priests were left in a difficult position of people asking them for the laws and the new information from our gods, but they no longer had access to the gods. So, instead, what they did was they created statues of the various different types of gods and started worshipping these statues in place of the actual beings, because that’s all they could do. And that process also still continues on to today..... READ MORE...
Friday, 29 October 2010
Just For Fun: The Seasiders Vs WBA
UPDATE 12th November 2010
Well ... The Seasiders had the advantage just. There were nervses and fear too.
Buddhist Inspiration ... for the day
Fixed ideas are like a wisp of cloud or smoke, but nonetheless people find themselves blocked or captured by these. You would laugh if you saw someone tripped by a cloud, or if someone claimed that they were imprisoned by the air. But, in fact, people are endlessly being trapped by things no more substantial than air or clouds. They make a wall with their mind, and then it imprisons them. Inherently, there is no wall or anything to trip over. These things are mirages they've created from the thoughts they gave rise to. Do not insist upon your own fixed ideas. Your persistence is your own narrow mind. If your mind is broad, it can easily embrace the entire world. However, if your mind is narrow, even a needle cannot enter. You have to keep letting go of your stubbornness, and always be deeply respectful of all life and things.
Awareness Of Presence
The night is still
A gentle breeze sways the grasses beside the shore
Preternatural coldness and a spell is summoned for protection
Banes of shielding worn on simple woollen garb
Silent footfalls blend the necromancer into the night.
A far off cry halts progress
The sense of ill doing overwhelms attuned senses
More spells, more summonings ……
Awareness of presence …… sensations of power emanating around the necromancer
Imagination flaring
Shape shifter awareness
Urgency beyond the usual
Magical summoning kept under strict control
The disciplined mind of the necromancer assuming mastery
Here in a night deep in unknown lands
A dimensional realm far beyond the usual places
Land fall into this land of dreams came moments before
The Necromancer well prepared
A life time of such trans locations behind him now.
Extract taken from "Seeker Of Fear Feeders" written by Matthew James Written March 2006
A gentle breeze sways the grasses beside the shore
Preternatural coldness and a spell is summoned for protection
Banes of shielding worn on simple woollen garb
Silent footfalls blend the necromancer into the night.
A far off cry halts progress
The sense of ill doing overwhelms attuned senses
More spells, more summonings ……
Awareness of presence …… sensations of power emanating around the necromancer
Imagination flaring
Shape shifter awareness
Urgency beyond the usual
Magical summoning kept under strict control
The disciplined mind of the necromancer assuming mastery
Here in a night deep in unknown lands
A dimensional realm far beyond the usual places
Land fall into this land of dreams came moments before
The Necromancer well prepared
A life time of such trans locations behind him now.
Extract taken from "Seeker Of Fear Feeders" written by Matthew James Written March 2006
Cholera Epidemic: Toxic Drinking Water Killing Haitians - Real Aid is Blocked

We are not alone: One in four stars 'may have Earth-like planets in orbit around them'

Many of these worlds may occupy the 'Goldilocks' zone - the region where conditions are neither too hot, nor too cold, for liquid water and possibly life. The findings mean that there could be tens of billions of planets like the Earth in our own galaxy alone - and trillions upon trillions of planet able to support life throughout the Universe. Scientists came to the conclusion after spending five years studying 166 Sun-like stars within 80 light years - or 470 trillion miles - from the Earth. (Daily Mail)
No UK Terror Arrests in 100,000 Searches
"It’s precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sound true to life." -- Max Frisch
"Hope is the companion of power, and the mother of success; for who so hopes has within him the gift of miracles." -- Samuel Smiles
"The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof." -- Barbara Kingsolver
"Hope is the companion of power, and the mother of success; for who so hopes has within him the gift of miracles." -- Samuel Smiles
"The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof." -- Barbara Kingsolver
Shifting Roles

Thursday, 28 October 2010
Image Of The Day
A hand print which appeared when there was nobody in the house ...
Original image Matthew James
Buddhist Inspiration ... for the day
We are often exposed, if not first hand, then through films, reading material, and conversations, to violence, fear, hatred, meaningless infatuations. Society is full of violence and hatred, which accumulates in the collective consciousness. If in our daily lives we do not know now to abstain from damaging materials and attitudes, the seeds of violence, hatred and suffering in us will continue to be watered. We need to be aware of what we hear,see, and read every day… Do our associations and consumptions poison us?
Life Changing
Living is an illusion
But ... it goes against the grain
All which has been programmed through life
To be rejected
To permit a new way of thinking to evolve
Life changing
Nothing is the same anymore
A sleeper alone in a private dream
All who converse ...
But figments of the mind
Extract taken from 'Only After The Shock Recedes' written by Matthew James January 2006
But ... it goes against the grain
All which has been programmed through life
To be rejected
To permit a new way of thinking to evolve
Life changing
Nothing is the same anymore
A sleeper alone in a private dream
All who converse ...
But figments of the mind
Extract taken from 'Only After The Shock Recedes' written by Matthew James January 2006
The Ancient Warrior

Because of the view from Earth, all the planets but the Moon and Sun (I know the Moon is a moon and the Sun is a star but, again, we're talking in two languages) have a period when they look like they're going backwards (but they aren't). In terms of cycles, this is a forward motion with a period of time when it's naturally appropriate to slow down or even reverse our intentions or motivations, check ourselves, analyze plans, and then resume with a better plan, direction, or thrust.
So, at the beginning of the Mars cycle, we're all full of the rebirth of a new motivation, drive, or period of assertion. We really cruise, plowing through obstacles, climbing mountains of resistance, and making good headway. When we reach the first quarter phase of the cycle, we make a point of reinforcing the strength of our intentions, sometimes shifting gear into a higher vibration of drive. Along we go, and, near the middle of the cycle, things get more uphill, or possibly we find our fuel running low. Maybe others are naysaying our progress. For a few months out of the two years of the cycle, just when we reach the time of bringing it to personal fulfillment, we should slow down. We're getting ready for the transition to the second half of the cycle. At this time, it's appropriate to share our motivation and drive with others, even act for them or pick up their loads. We need the time of "reversal" or slow-down to make sure that we don't run off past others, that we can moderate the thrust in order to give it social value. This phase of the cycle, so necessary to proper growth, has a decided element of internalization about it. A certain reaching-in; finding what the rest of "us" needs...READ MORE...
Vaccine Virus 'Cancer Link'
'A monkey virus found in early versions of a vaccine against polio may be linked to a common type of cancer, suggest scientists. However, other experts are still doubtful whether the virus - or the vaccine - can be blamed. Batches of polio vaccine tainted with "simian virus 40" (SV40) were given between 1955 and 1963. This was because monkey kidney cells were used in the jab's production process. Approximately 30m people may have been given the contaminated vaccine between these dates....Read more:
Difficult Times

Quotes ... for today
"The spirit down here in man and the spirit up there in the sun, in reality are only one spirit, and there is no other one." -- The Upanishads
"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same. Every wonderful sight will vanish; every sweet word will fade, But do not be disheartened, The source they come from is eternal, growing, Branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you And this whole world is springing up from it." -- Jelaluddin Rumi
"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same. Every wonderful sight will vanish; every sweet word will fade, But do not be disheartened, The source they come from is eternal, growing, Branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you And this whole world is springing up from it." -- Jelaluddin Rumi
Who's the Conspiracy Theorist Now? Gov't Scaring the Public with Aliens, Asteroids, and Global Pandemics

The dumbed-down public will always be led by fear until they realize that no major events happen by mistake in the matrix.
All major events, reactions, and proposed solutions are thoroughly orchestrated and performed by the power players.
They hit all the right notes, all of the time, save for some minor tuning as needed....Read more:
Scientists hope to record our dreams after successful experiments using brain implants
A system which could one day allow scientists to record people's dream has been developed. In a remarkable breakthrough which would allow researchers a unique insight into the human mind, a dream recorder that could interpret electronic data is planned. Experiments in which volunteers had electrodes surgically implanted into their brains has so far allowed the scientists to 'read' their minds, said Dr Moran Cerf. He said: 'We would like to read people's dreams. It would be wonderful to read people's minds when they cannot communicate, such as people in comas.' (Daily Mail)
Anomaly Gallery
The Hundred Year Starship: The Nasa mission that will take astronauts to Mars and leave them there forever

Depending on the position of Mars in its orbit around the sun, its distance from Earth varies between 34million and 250million miles. The most recent unmanned mission there was Nasa’s Phoenix lander, which launched in August 2007 and landed on the planet’s north polar cap in May the following year. Experts say a nuclear-fuelled rocket could shorten the journey to about four months. (Daily Mail) [Opinion: more than likely we are already on Mars?]
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
A Word on 'Radical Forgiveness'
Radical Forgiveness is based upon the simple premise that the 'dark' or shadow aspects of our psyche which we need to acknowledge and heal are reflected for us in those who have significant impact on our lives - be they lovers, spouse, work colleagues, children, parents, friends, mentors or so called enemies. As Tipping quite rightly pointed out: "if you spot it (a behaviour trait) in others, then you have got it. (yourself)."
The key word in the above statement is 'acknowledge'. Whenever we try to deny something we don't like by pretending it does not exist in us, we invalidate it. To invalidate means "to render having no effect", but the great irony is that as soon as we attempt to invalidate something it immediately demands attention to be validated. The reason for this is simple. Invalidation by definition is an attempt to separate out that which one wishes to invalidate from those aspects we choose to acknowledge. From the perspective of the essential 'ONENESS' pervading the Universe, separation is an illusory 'artificial' state requiring a huge amount of energy to maintain.
When we suppress something by invalidating it, we think the issue has gone away, but this is a delusion because the issue will inevitably reappear at some stage to be acknowledged and validated and this process cannot be avoided. Invalidation is a bit like trying to stop the flow of a stream; it can be achieved for a little while, but eventually the weight of water builds up and overwhelms us and continues to flow in accordance with the natural law of more...
The key word in the above statement is 'acknowledge'. Whenever we try to deny something we don't like by pretending it does not exist in us, we invalidate it. To invalidate means "to render having no effect", but the great irony is that as soon as we attempt to invalidate something it immediately demands attention to be validated. The reason for this is simple. Invalidation by definition is an attempt to separate out that which one wishes to invalidate from those aspects we choose to acknowledge. From the perspective of the essential 'ONENESS' pervading the Universe, separation is an illusory 'artificial' state requiring a huge amount of energy to maintain.
When we suppress something by invalidating it, we think the issue has gone away, but this is a delusion because the issue will inevitably reappear at some stage to be acknowledged and validated and this process cannot be avoided. Invalidation is a bit like trying to stop the flow of a stream; it can be achieved for a little while, but eventually the weight of water builds up and overwhelms us and continues to flow in accordance with the natural law of more...
Some Buddhist Inspiration ...
Proper effort is not the effort to make something particular happen. It is the effort to be aware and awake each moment, the effort to overcome laziness and merit, the effort to make each activity of our day meditation....Ajahn Chah
"Vital Signs"
Rush live on the Grace Under Pressure tour. Recorded in 1984. This song is originally from the "Moving Pictures" album.
Leaked Trade Agreements and Hidden Things Inside S 510: Corporations Plan to End Normal Farming
'Under provisions in CETA [Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement], using saved seed could result in a farmer's land, equipment, and crops being seized for alleged infringement of intellectual property rights attached to plant varieties owned by corporations such as Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, and Bayer.
"It includes the freezing of bank accounts too, so you couldn't even defend yourself in court. And this is for alleged infringement," says NFU [National Farmers Union] president Terry Boehm. ...
"These are the most draconian measures possible and they would literally create a culture of fear in the farm population where, I think, that ultimately farmers would end up buying seeds every year for every acre just to avoid prosecution or the threat of prosecution"...Read more:
"It includes the freezing of bank accounts too, so you couldn't even defend yourself in court. And this is for alleged infringement," says NFU [National Farmers Union] president Terry Boehm. ...
"These are the most draconian measures possible and they would literally create a culture of fear in the farm population where, I think, that ultimately farmers would end up buying seeds every year for every acre just to avoid prosecution or the threat of prosecution"...Read more:
Is this a time-traveller in a Charlie Chaplin film? Footage from 1928 shows woman 'using a mobile phone'

The baffling footage is found in the extras section of The Circus and shows members of the public attending the premiere of the film at Manns Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. The short piece of footage shows an older woman dressed in a coat and hat with her hand held up to the left-hand side of her face as she talks. There is no one around for her to be speaking to apart from a suited man who strides on ahead at the beginning of the shot.
Even her gestures and behaviour as she 'talks' will be eerily familiar to modern-day viewers as she appears to stop, mid-sentence, during her apparent conversation. The bizarre anachronism was unearthed by film buff George Clark on his Charlie Chaplin box set. He says he has shown it to more than 100 people and still no one can come up with a convincing explanation. Some viewers have suggested that she is listening to a portable radio close to her face, although this would not explain why she appears to be talking. Some viewers say that she may be displaying signs of schizophrenia and may be covering her face to hide the fact that she is talking aloud to herself.
Others suggest that she is simply trying to hide her face from the camera so she is not filmed.
Still others, rather more sceptically, believe the footage is just a stunt created by George lark to publicise his film festival.
The first device that could be likened to a mobile phone was Motorola’s first ‘Walkie-Talkie’ which was developed in the 1940s, but that was the size of a man’s arm and still came more than a decade after the Chaplin film. Portable mobile phones that we would recognise today did not appear until the 1980s and even then they were still too big to hide in the palm of your hand.
In a video that Mr Clark has posted on YouTube he jokes that the only plausible theory is that the woman is a time traveller. (Daily Mail)
The Lost Children
The shadow cannot venture to these deep places ... to these powerful ancient places
To the obelisk and beyond ... for the shadow is fearful of truth and of oneness
And those souls who enter are of truth and are of oneness ... there is no hidden agenda
They be the lost children .. Those ancient spirits opposed by the shadow kind ...
The shadow kind ... those selfish, loveless injured shards of the primal worlds,
The very force which opposes the power of universal life and life ...
Opposition in perfect balance
The shards whose physical manifestations are the hidden dictators on earth ... the demon kin.
Extract taken from 'Within The Obelisk Of The Mind' written by Matthew James December 2004
To the obelisk and beyond ... for the shadow is fearful of truth and of oneness
And those souls who enter are of truth and are of oneness ... there is no hidden agenda
They be the lost children .. Those ancient spirits opposed by the shadow kind ...
The shadow kind ... those selfish, loveless injured shards of the primal worlds,
The very force which opposes the power of universal life and life ...
Opposition in perfect balance
The shards whose physical manifestations are the hidden dictators on earth ... the demon kin.
Extract taken from 'Within The Obelisk Of The Mind' written by Matthew James December 2004
Weaving tones on Tibetan Singing Bowls
Weaving tones through use of the spin; a harmonic Tibetan singing bowl session with Emile de Leon of Temple Sounds. Included is a rare 14 inch antique Tibetan singing bowl.
Problem Drinkers Could Face Compulsory Alcohol Tests
'The '24/7 sobriety' programme involves people paying to be tested for alcohol twice a day after being convicted of drink-related crime, and appearing in court to face the prospect of custody if they test positive.
It has already been implemented in the US, with the state of South Dakota reporting a 14 per cent drop in the prison population as a result, according to Deputy Mayor of London Kit Malthouse.
He said he would like to pilot the scheme in the capital in the New Year, subject to government approval....Read more:
It has already been implemented in the US, with the state of South Dakota reporting a 14 per cent drop in the prison population as a result, according to Deputy Mayor of London Kit Malthouse.
He said he would like to pilot the scheme in the capital in the New Year, subject to government approval....Read more:
Inspiration For The Day
"Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now, you are a whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else." -- Wayne Dyer
"Who you really are is enough." -- Oriah Mountain Dreamer
"Wherever you are is always the right place. There is never a need to fix anything, to hitch up the bootstraps of the soul and start at some higher place. Start right where you are." -- Julia Cameron
"Who you really are is enough." -- Oriah Mountain Dreamer
"Wherever you are is always the right place. There is never a need to fix anything, to hitch up the bootstraps of the soul and start at some higher place. Start right where you are." -- Julia Cameron
Life As It Is

What do you think?
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
No. 31, Influence / Attraction
"The influence shows itself in the thighs. Holds to that which follows it. To continue is humiliating. What the heart desires, the thighs run after without a moment's hesitation .." [Wilhelm]
The Yi is warning you: Don't run after the object of your desires. That results in humiliation.. . . one needs patience to wait until the other party is ready. For mutual influence, the worst thing is to take reckless action." [Huang]
The Yi is warning you: Don't run after the object of your desires. That results in humiliation.. . . one needs patience to wait until the other party is ready. For mutual influence, the worst thing is to take reckless action." [Huang]
Anomaly Gallery

'The Great One Who Sits Above The Sky'

The Nodes

Firstly, a look at the South Node. Directly opposite the North, its house and sign represent the "home" that keeps pulling us back. It's a comfort zone, describing attitudes and talents which, for good or ill, are easy to believe and express. Astrologers often say that South Node energies were developed in a prior life. At the least, they're usually evident in childhood, their expression somehow supported by our early environment. When we're in the South Node, we know who we are. Its instinctive behaviors and beliefs are familiar and safe, though not always positive.
That's where the North Node comes in as it demands we evolve. The North Node fills us with a temporary audacity-daring us to stretch beyond our customary role. Here we listen to an authority that's higher than family or cultural conditioning, deeper even than personality; lacking a more precise term, its the "soul." The Nodes are the trajectory of the soul's arrow. The South Node is the bow shooting us into this life; the North is the target our soul hopes we will reach. However difficult or unrealistic this target, we are assured that if we get there, we'll enjoy unprecedented success, more meaningful than any South Node accomplishment...READ MORE...
The Five of Swords

Clairsentience ...
Clairsentience involves getting a glimpse of other realities or even entities through a sense of touch. This would occur when a psychic lays their hands on someone, or when they touch something that contains a link to another world that they can see. Clairsentience can manifest itself myriad ways and it is an ability that is often hard to explain or to diagnose.
No matter how clairsentience manifests itself, it is a psychic ability that can be the hardest to interpret and the hardest to notice. There might be many people who have the gift of clairsentience but who have never known that they have. If you have a tendency to feel strange things, or to smell or notice things that aren’t there, you might find that you actually have the gift of clairsentience but you have never noticed it before!.... READ MORE...
No matter how clairsentience manifests itself, it is a psychic ability that can be the hardest to interpret and the hardest to notice. There might be many people who have the gift of clairsentience but who have never known that they have. If you have a tendency to feel strange things, or to smell or notice things that aren’t there, you might find that you actually have the gift of clairsentience but you have never noticed it before!.... READ MORE...
Quotes ... for today
"The soul requires duration of time -- rich, thick, deep, velvety time -- and it thrives on rhythm. Soul can’t be hurried or harried .... We may go through many events in the day and experience nothing because the soul has not had the opportunity to feel them from many different points of view." -- Robert Sardello
"We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery." -- H. G. Wells
"The well of Providence is deep. It’s the buckets we bring to it that are small." -- Mary Webb
"We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery." -- H. G. Wells
"The well of Providence is deep. It’s the buckets we bring to it that are small." -- Mary Webb
Image Of The Day

Not Alone in the Dark

The Greatest Hypnotist of Them All
'David Icke and others explain how the control system controls the mass of humanity by programming their minds from an early age. Then, using tel-a-vision programming and mass media, they implant false belief systems and a false information about who we are and the nature of reality.'
Is Aspartame in All Soda?
'I haven't heard this although Dr. James Bowen once told me every once in awhile they add it in some markets to see if people an tell.
Dr. Bowen has ALS from aspartame and like most aspartame victims is chemically hypersensitive for life. An aspartame victim can always tell when aspartame is in a product, labeled or not. The problem is the manufacturers know aspartame is addictive.
Like in the case of Mars I called them and asked if aspartame were in their products and they told me "yes, in Mars Bars". I said, "But its not labelled," and they said, its under natural flavors. I tried one and sure enough immediately got a headache. Because of the chemical hypersensitization I tell aspartame victims over and over never to use processed foods because this and MSG are so often hidden...Read more:
Dr. Bowen has ALS from aspartame and like most aspartame victims is chemically hypersensitive for life. An aspartame victim can always tell when aspartame is in a product, labeled or not. The problem is the manufacturers know aspartame is addictive.
Like in the case of Mars I called them and asked if aspartame were in their products and they told me "yes, in Mars Bars". I said, "But its not labelled," and they said, its under natural flavors. I tried one and sure enough immediately got a headache. Because of the chemical hypersensitization I tell aspartame victims over and over never to use processed foods because this and MSG are so often hidden...Read more:
Monday, 25 October 2010
Ministers Plan Huge Sell-off of Britain's Forests
'Caroline Spelman, the Environment Secretary, is expected to announce plans within days to dispose of about half of the 748,000 hectares of woodland overseen by the Forestry Commission by 2020.
The controversial decision will pave the way for a huge expansion in the number of Center Parcs-style holiday villages, golf courses, adventure sites and commercial logging operations throughout Britain as land is sold to private companies.
Legislation which currently governs the treatment of "ancient forests" such as the Forest of Dean and Sherwood Forest is likely to be changed giving private firms the right to cut down trees....Read more:
The controversial decision will pave the way for a huge expansion in the number of Center Parcs-style holiday villages, golf courses, adventure sites and commercial logging operations throughout Britain as land is sold to private companies.
Legislation which currently governs the treatment of "ancient forests" such as the Forest of Dean and Sherwood Forest is likely to be changed giving private firms the right to cut down trees....Read more:
More UFO Evidence .......?
Anomaly Gallery
Create Time for Self-Compassion

Food in Uncertain Times: How to Grow and Store the Five Crops You Need to Survive
'In an age of erratic weather and instability, it's increasingly important to develop a greater self-reliance when it comes to food. And because of this, more than ever before, farmers are developing new gardening techniques that help achieve a greater resilience. Longtime gardener and scientist Carol Deppe, in her new book The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times, offers a wealth of unique and expansive information for serious home gardeners and farmers who are seeking optimistic advice.
Do you want to know more about the five crops you need to survive through the next thousand years? What about tips for drying summer squash, for your winter soups? Ever thought of keeping ducks on your land?...Read more:
Do you want to know more about the five crops you need to survive through the next thousand years? What about tips for drying summer squash, for your winter soups? Ever thought of keeping ducks on your land?...Read more:
Inspiration For The Day
"Our deepest need is for the joy that comes with loving and being loved, with knowing we are of genuine use to others." -- Eknath Easwaran
"We are able to be of service to those who suffer only to the extent that we have been able to transform fear in our own lives." -- Robert Sardello
"We are able to be of service to those who suffer only to the extent that we have been able to transform fear in our own lives." -- Robert Sardello
Quadruple-Dose Seasonal Flu 'Super' Vaccine Now Being Aggressively Pushed Onto Senior Citizens
'The vaccine industry has now decided that injecting senior citizens with the "standard" vaccine dose just isn't working. (Gee, really?) So now they've decided the way to make it work better is to offer a quadruple viral potency vaccine that packs 400% more viral fragments into one toxic shot.
The target for this quadruple vaccine injection? Senior citizens, of course -- the very people most likely to suffer the most serious side effects from a vaccine overdose. The FDA reportedly approved the new vaccine in April even though no scientific tests have ever been done to show it reduces flu symptoms. Then again, since when did vaccines have anything to do with real science in the first place?...Read more:
The target for this quadruple vaccine injection? Senior citizens, of course -- the very people most likely to suffer the most serious side effects from a vaccine overdose. The FDA reportedly approved the new vaccine in April even though no scientific tests have ever been done to show it reduces flu symptoms. Then again, since when did vaccines have anything to do with real science in the first place?...Read more:
Warmists Plot Secretly to Kill Off the Medieval Warming Period. Again

Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Jonathan Overpeck, Eugene Wahl, Malcolm Hughes – just about anyone who’s anyone from the Climategate emails, in fact – have all been on a clandestine boondoggle to sunny Portugal, there to conspire how best to obliterate that embarrassing and inconvenient period of bounteous warmth between around 900 AD and 1280 AD known as the MWP...Read more:
The Grasdorf Pictogram Plates
A visitor to the farm, a man wearing a house painter’s outfit and a hanging moustache, turned up nine days later bringing along his metal detector. He searched all nine parts of the pictogram dropping a handkerchief in three spots as mark...all of them had a spherical symbol, less than a semi-circle attached to it. Then he went to his car to pick up a digging tool and a bucket unearthing a bronze, silver and gold plates at the three areas he marked.'
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