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Thursday 21 October 2010

Big Pharma Game Plan Revealed?

'For those of us in the natural health field, any headline stating that B vitamins can help the brain, and be particularly useful for people with Alzheimer’s, certainly wouldn’t be considered ‘new’ or ‘ground-breaking’. We are repeatedly told by the media and mainstream medicine that vitamins are bad for you and even downright dangerous at dosages higher than the recommended daily allowances (RDA).

That is until a study comes along with such overwhelmingly strong evidence that even the diehards worshipping at the feet of evidence-based medicine (EBM) have to capitulate. So it is with the ‘new’ and ‘ground-breaking’ study conducted at Oxford University, UK, which found a staggering 53% improvement in 85 patients with brain shrinkage associated with 'mild cognitive impairment' (MCI) which, for many, precedes full-blown dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The drug's active constituents? You have it, the trio of good ol' B vitamins associated with lowering homocysteine: folic acid, B6 and B12....Read more: