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Friday 18 March 2011

Chakra Cleansing

Chakras can be cleansed with crystals , energy, meditations etc. a great way is to have a partner lie down on the floor in a comfortable position. With a pendulum in hand gather seven dixie cups full of water and have ready on the floor with the person doing the chakra cleansing. As the receiver relaxes arms to side, the cleanser holds the pendulum still above each Chakra (see below for exact areas and more info). Starting with the root chakra you see if the pendulum starts to circle if they are big circles the chakra energy is open , if not it is closed and needs to be opened. take your right hand and hold the pendulum while dipping your left finger into the water to cleanse the energy field, the negative energy will be released into the water. when you see the energy begin to move and the pendulum circling, allow it to circle wide before moving on to the next chakra. when you are finished with one chakra and have used the water, discard the water do not use again. throw the dixie cups away at the end of your session and becarefu not to re-use per chakra. Continue the ritual down (or up) all seven chakras. This provides a full clearing of the Chakras and the ability to see the work done for your own eyes, its really quite fascinating to watch., you may then exchange positions and clear your own chakras. This may be repeated monthly or as many times a week as you feel needed, If you are out of sorts or beginning to feel low in energy have a friend check your chakras again with the pendulum. Chakras become out of balance for many reasons. If you find yourself not sticking up for yourself essentially your Throat chakra may be closed or imbalanced and telling you what issues to work on. Understanding the Chakras and how they work with the body are good indicators of your health and more...