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Monday 4 April 2011

Lifting Through Ascension

It's certainly in the air ... things are really not the same any more. Strange and recurrent symptoms seem to be the norm these days - dizzy spells, disorientation & travel sickness-like feelings ... there are so many spiritually aware individuals who are currently experiencing similar symptoms; each and every one of us walking round in a haze of confusion. Insomnia and night time aches and pains ... that's another burden to endure ... especially over the last three months.

A shift in awareness and an increase in sensitivity ... an increase in paranormal activity ... more changes in the current day which are signs of noticeable change. As if the human consciousness level is now lifting like a balloon ... slowly upwards ... despite the pressure of the mooring rope added by those who oppose the transformation. The mooring rope appears to have broken now from its fastenings ...

Suppressed and locked memories also appear to be another symptom. Just spend a moment 'thinking' of old memories ... feel limited in your choice? Like much of your long term memory has been erased? The same memories seem to always surface ... as part of this limited choice. Strange ... it is an unnerving experience ... because, I for one, had a phenomenal memory recall ... and it appears there are no memories there anymore to recall. I challenge anyone who says it is a mental illness! My explanation for this is simple ... human experience has now lifted to another state of consciousness. A level which we only rarely touch upon in our lifetime ... the limited memories represent the moments in life when we have touched on this state of consciousness. But, there is no longer a fall back to a lower state of awareness ... therefore we cannot access other parts of our memories that represent these lower states of awareness. Anyone who has revised when intoxicated will understand this process ... when sober we cannot recall what was revised ... yet if we were to go into the examination equally intoxicated, we would remember everything we'd learnt when last in that state.

We are collectively lifting in vibration ... as a whole entity ... which means even those who are resisting the lift will find themselves changing in thought patterns. The rift between 'light' and 'dark' will widen ... relationships are going to break ... friendships are going to end ... as part of this process.

For those who are spiritually minded the availability of higher levels of consciousness are going to become more and more obvious. Where we've strived for many years to attain a consistent level of communication and awareness ... that particular level will become the plateau we stand on ... whilst new and higher levels are going to open up before us ... we will lead the way up this ascension ladder ... as the levels we are now becoming aware of ... will become the next plateau to stand on in the years that follow. Eventually even the 'darkest' soul will climb the treads of this ladder ... !!!

The physical symptoms of this transformation are what we are currently feeling to lesser or greater degrees .... like badges to be worn with pride we need to endure these displeasures ... and view them as signs things are going right .... Matthew James 4th April 2011