Metatronia Therapy® is healing energy like no other I have felt or experienced. It is an extremely high vibration and really goes to the heart and heals on so many levels.
Archangel Metatron opens us up to this remarkable and effective healing process. The energies assist in healing on many levels but also in raising our vibration, energy, consciousness and frequency, realignment, reconnection and new energies to move us into higher dimensions of reality. Removing any doubt and fear, giving us the freedom to explore and move to where we truly need to be, to realize our life's true soul purpose.
The healing works by Metatron connecting with us. He already knows what it is we require to heal. Our life stories/history of this life and past lives are scanned, and healing begins on taking away any parts of our life story, our conditioning and our programming that no longer serves us. The healing itself is painless, very soothing and extremely relaxing. Many have said that they feel they are literally lifted up and brought back down, feeling empty and at peace and not able to find the stuff they were worried or anxious about before they have the healing.
The Healing aligns your blueprint, repairing your DNA/RNA and healing the Celestial bodies/Auric Field. Metatronia Therapy®brings energy that reactivates many elements within the Human Vessel and the Celestial bodies and also awakens the dormant energy within the Pineal Gland. The DNA/RNA restructuring and the Pineal Gland reactivation brings about clearer insight, psychic skills, heightened senses and a reconnection within the whole human vessel (body) so that it returns back to its oneness state. Bringing you to the optimum state of being.
This is healing on a cellular level. Reaching our very core, and allowing us to function more freely, think more openly and feel at one with the Universe and most importantly to connect with the deepest part of us, our true real soul essence. This is not just about physical healing it is about bringing us to where we truly need to be. This is more than just healing the physical Vessel/Body.
Metatronia Therapy®realigns you with your Soul, your true self, it catapults you on your ascension journey and uplifts your spirit. Bringing you into your Divine Awakening...Are you ready?... read more>>>...[Yawn, where have I read all this before? Healing by 'the Angel of Death' ... Metatronic Healing & Angelic Reiki Healing ... same book, different cover ...sadly]
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.