Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 27 October 2014

A Reality Of Vibrations

Everything is vibration. All that exists in our 'physical world' comprises thought forms vibrating at different frequencies. What we see is what the brain of our physical body decodes into a five sensory reality. Everything around us are merely thoughts. We live in a reality of vibrations. There are effectively five different types of physical vibrations:-

1. What we see,
2. What we feel,
3. What we hear,
4. What we smell,
5. What we taste. 

It is a strange world this manifest plane. It is has been described as a virtual reality. Many would agree, maybe more would disagree. However, it is likely to be true. Our physical body merely vehicles in which our consciousness is housed to experience this reality of thought forms. The actual soul does not reside in the body. It is merely connected to an essence of itself that thinks it is in this reality. Its thoughts dictate the actions and reactions experienced in a 'world wide web' which is effectively the constant thought forms that make up our shared perception of this reality.

Physical vehicles with advanced empathic and sensitive abilities will be more aware of the thought form nature of this reality that those who have little or none of these abilities. Those with advanced logical faculties activated are unlikely to perceive this world as a virtual reality. Their perception of the vibrations will create the ultimate illusion of a solid physical world. For though we are all within the same reality of vibrations, our physical vehicles will interpret a different perception of our reality.

Thought forms are a powerful energy. They rely on transmitting impressions and imagery that has to be interpreted by those which are subject to exposure to these vibrations. This relies on the mind of the physical vehicle having a 'sub-conscious' that conforms to the correct interpretation of this reality. The thought form structure of the physical vehicle itself has been programmed by codings within its basic (DNA) format. With the correct 'earth-plane' coding, the sub-conscious mind receives the images of this vibration. The conscious mind then perceives planet earth, and converts the vibrations into the five sensory vibrations associated with that of Earth. But theoretically the basic format could be programmed to a different coding, thus alerting the sub-conscious to other vibrations, parallel dimensions or other dimensions that exist within this dimension. An incredible concept but it is true ... the human DNA has been proven to have been tampered with in ages past, with DNA strands cut and pasted much like an audio tape. Thus the visual perception of this reality has been adjusted in ages past.

 Our 'physical body' responds to these different vibrations. Those of smell and feeling are the interesting ones. They seem to go unnoticed by the conscious mind, which appears to rely more on those of sight and hearing to perceive this reality.The latter two sensory vibrations can be said to be those of the 'logical mind' and those of the former can be said to be of the 'empathic mind'. They say looks can deceive ... seeing is not always believing. The vibration of sight can be tampered with by physical vehicles that have an ability to project 'glamours' into the minds of the unknowing. However, the vibrations of smell and feeling cannot be deceived. The latter will almost always reveal the true nature of anything that exists in this physical vibration. Sight and sound are used to deceive and create a sense of a different reality to what is really there.

Our perception of this reality is constantly being tampered with, for there are forces that wish us to believe their transmission of this virtual reality. This is a fact. Around us are constant reminders of this ... the sight and sound manifestations of TV, radio, newspapers, websites, books etc ... that are all designed to direct our sub-conscious into producing a false interpretation of the base thought form codes behind this reality. The intention is to rewrite the blue print vibrations that exist behind this thought form reality. The plan is to enslave all of our physical vehicles in a false reality within a false reality ... Matthew James