The most common reaction for a person sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies is a warm burning sensation in the area most affected. This could be the face or one side of the head, or even a general burning sensation throughout the body. It is often described as similar to being sunburnt. There may also be physical signs such as skin rashes or blemishes as well as eye problems and a feeling that one's mucus membranes have dried up. Below is a list of the most common symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
= A warm or burning sensation in the face somewhat like feeling sunburnt
= A tingling or prickling sensation across the face or other parts of the body
= Extreme dryness of mucus membranes such as the back of the throat and eyes
= A swelling of the mucus membranes such as nose, throat, ears and sinuses without any infectious cause
= Problems with concentration, loss of memory and dizziness
= A feeling of impending influenza (flu) that somehow never quite breaks out
= Headaches and nausea
= Teeth and jaw pains
= Aches and pains in muscles and joints
= Cardiac palpitations (Science20)