Ok, here are some important things to consider before reading further;
1. Everything
is energy. Humans, animals, minerals, plants, thoughts, emotions. All
aspects of existence, no matter what it is … is the same energy.
2. When energy impacts an environment, it changes it. For good or bad --- it will change it.
3. Everything
has some form of consciousness. Everything is a ‘spirit’ thought form.
Created by higher forces to exist in the form that it is; to function in
the form that it is; to interact it the way that it does.
4. You are part of everything else. What affects one part, affects all other parts.
5. Like attracts like.
6. Cleansing is healing.
the above, you should glean the importance of cleansing the energy
fields which make up you and your environment. Although we might not
always be able to sense an energy imbalance; we are nevertheless
affected by it. Some areas/buildings feel comfortable to us, while
others may make us feel edgy, depressed or anxious to get out.
there has been a heated argument in a room for example, the atmosphere
may feel heavy and dismal. You may even begin to feel irritable
yourself. This negative energy, if allowed to exist and even grow (like
attracts like), can adversely affect all the inhabitants in that area.
In your house, it can even make you, your family, your pets and your
plants sick. It will actually make your house sick. Animals are
especially vulnerable as they act as buffers for us, and will absorb
this negativity until they get physically sick.
When we cleanse,
we're replacing undesirable energy (aka negativity) with desirable or
positive energy. Anything can be cleansed and probably should be from
time to time..
If you do a cleansing ritual or procedure with
anger or fear of the negativity you are trying to release, you will only
exchange one kind of negativity for another. You gain nothing. Always
enter into any cleansing process with an attitude of love. Negative
energy is not bad or evil; it is simply energy that does not sustain
you. Nothing is inherently evil --- it is our judgement of it that
labels something good or bad.
There are numerous cleansing methods available, but one which is particularly reliable is Smudging.
(passing through smoke,) is an ancient method of cleansing that works
quite well. I've used it to cleanse my house, and it's very good for
smaller items and for cleansing your aura. When smudging a room, work in
one direction, spiralling to the center. Which direction you use is up
to you - try both. Counter clockwise is usually considered banishing;
clockwise is invoking.
Use White Sage, but garden sage works equally
well. Pine, of any kind, is generally thought to bring in desirable
positive energy; while the sages are more for banishing the negative.
Both can be used during the same smudging ritual. Use powdered sage or
pine on charcoal, or a smudge stick or even a small wad of the leaves.
Carry a heatproof container (ashtray) in the left hand; the smudge in
the right.
For a room, try to start near, but not in front of the
door, sweeping the smoke into all corners; up to the ceiling and down
to the floor. If you use leaves or a smudge stick, knock the ashes off
often, so you won't catch anything on fire. It's a good idea to keep a
container of water close by, just in case.
Repeat the following, if you wish, during the smudging:
From the Element of Fire
Comes this smoke, which is Air.
From the Element of Earth
Grows this plant, which is Water.
I call upon the Elements and the Blessings of Spirit
To please cleanse this (area, space, being, etc.)
For the good of all.
until every inch of the area has been touched by the smoke and you it
has been finished. As with any magickal rite, intent and visualisation
are important. Visualising the movement of energy adds the power to the
cleansing procedure.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Search A Light In The Darkness
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Buddhist Quote for the Day
even though they have been held in honor
for many generations and in diverse places.
Do not believe a thing because many people speak of it.
Do not believe on the faith of the sages of the past.
Do not believe what you yourself have imagined,
persuading yourself that a God inspires you.
Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters and priests.
After examination, believe what you yourself have tested
and found to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto.
Mind Control: It’s All Around You!
New Dawn Magazine: Mind Control. It’s easier than you think! Anybody can do it. Don’t believe me? You don’t think everybody has the power to control hundreds, thousands, even millions of other people’s minds? Then watch this little experiment we’re about to make: I shall now control your mind!
Yes; wherever in the world you are reading this, I hereby order you to think of the Eiffel Tower on a rainy evening being struck by lightning. OK? Thinking about that image? Right… Now try to stop thinking about the Eiffel Tower on a rainy evening being struck by lightning. You can’t? Try harder! Still can’t? Ha! I’ll tell you why: because I am controlling your mind!
You see? It’s that easy to implant ideas and images into other people’s brains! Now, imagine that I did this “little experiment” on global TV to an audience of say, 1 or 2 billion people. And imagine too that instead of my innocent “Eiffel Tower” image, I “ordered” you to watch and think about something far more powerful… like the World Trade Centre imploding, or Osama bin Laden firing his machine-gun at an unseen “target” (Western babies, perhaps?), or Prince William’s wedding as he is groomed to become “the Once and Future King”?...read more>>>...
Yes; wherever in the world you are reading this, I hereby order you to think of the Eiffel Tower on a rainy evening being struck by lightning. OK? Thinking about that image? Right… Now try to stop thinking about the Eiffel Tower on a rainy evening being struck by lightning. You can’t? Try harder! Still can’t? Ha! I’ll tell you why: because I am controlling your mind!
You see? It’s that easy to implant ideas and images into other people’s brains! Now, imagine that I did this “little experiment” on global TV to an audience of say, 1 or 2 billion people. And imagine too that instead of my innocent “Eiffel Tower” image, I “ordered” you to watch and think about something far more powerful… like the World Trade Centre imploding, or Osama bin Laden firing his machine-gun at an unseen “target” (Western babies, perhaps?), or Prince William’s wedding as he is groomed to become “the Once and Future King”?...read more>>>...
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Why We Are Not Shown the Big Picture
Daily OM: Sometimes, we may find ourselves wishing we knew what our lives are going to look like or what gifts and challenges are going to be presented to us in the coming months or years. We may want to know if the relationship we’re in now will go the distance or if our goals will be realized. Perhaps we feel like we need help making a decision and we want to know which choice will work out best. We may consult psychics, tarot cards, our dreams, and many other sources in the hopes of finding out what the future holds. Usually, at most, we may catch glimpses. And even though we think we would like to know the whole story in all its details, the truth is that we would probably be overwhelmed and exhausted if we knew everything that is going to happen to us.
Just think of your life as you’ve lived it up to this point. If you are like most of us, you have probably done more and faced more than you could have ever imagined...read more>>>...
Just think of your life as you’ve lived it up to this point. If you are like most of us, you have probably done more and faced more than you could have ever imagined...read more>>>...
How music makes the brain happy
S.O.T.T: Music impacts us in ways that other sounds don't, and for years now, scientists have been wondering why. Now they are finally beginning to find some answers. Using fMRI technology, they're discovering why music can inspire such strong feelings and bind us so tightly to other people.
"Music affects deep emotional centers in the brain, " says Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University who studies the brain on music. "A single sound tone is not really pleasurable in itself; but if these sounds are organized over time in some sort of arrangement, it's amazingly powerful." How powerful? In one of her studies, she and her colleagues hooked up participants to an fMRI machine and recorded their brain activity as they listened to a favorite piece of music. During peak emotional moments in the songs identified by the listeners, dopamine was released in the nucleus accumbens, a structure deep within the older part of our human brain.
"That's a big deal, because dopamine is released with biological rewards, like eating and sex, for example," says Salimpoor. "It's also released with drugs that are very powerful and addictive, like cocaine or amphetamines."
There's another part of the brain that seeps dopamine, specifically just before those peak emotional moments in a song: the caudate nucleus, which is involved in the anticipation of pleasure. Presumably, the anticipatory pleasure comes from familiarity with the song - you have a memory of the song you enjoyed in the past embedded in your brain, and you anticipate the high points that are coming. This pairing of anticipation and pleasure is a potent combination, one that suggests we are biologically-driven to listen to music we like....read more>>>...
"Music affects deep emotional centers in the brain, " says Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University who studies the brain on music. "A single sound tone is not really pleasurable in itself; but if these sounds are organized over time in some sort of arrangement, it's amazingly powerful." How powerful? In one of her studies, she and her colleagues hooked up participants to an fMRI machine and recorded their brain activity as they listened to a favorite piece of music. During peak emotional moments in the songs identified by the listeners, dopamine was released in the nucleus accumbens, a structure deep within the older part of our human brain.
"That's a big deal, because dopamine is released with biological rewards, like eating and sex, for example," says Salimpoor. "It's also released with drugs that are very powerful and addictive, like cocaine or amphetamines."
There's another part of the brain that seeps dopamine, specifically just before those peak emotional moments in a song: the caudate nucleus, which is involved in the anticipation of pleasure. Presumably, the anticipatory pleasure comes from familiarity with the song - you have a memory of the song you enjoyed in the past embedded in your brain, and you anticipate the high points that are coming. This pairing of anticipation and pleasure is a potent combination, one that suggests we are biologically-driven to listen to music we like....read more>>>...
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Becoming a Better Person
Daily OM: At some point in our lives, many of us find ourselves overcome with the desire to become better people. While we are all uniquely capable of navigating this world, we may nonetheless feel driven to grow, expand, and change. This innate need for personal expansion can lead us down many paths as we develop within the context of our individual lives. Yet the initial steps that can put us on the road to evolution are not always clear. We understand that we want to be better but have no clear definition of “better.” To ease this often frustrating uncertainty, we can take small steps, keeping our own concept of growth in mind rather than allowing others to direct the course of our journey. And we should accept that change won’t happen overnight—we may not recognize the transformations taking place within us at first.
Becoming a better person in your own eyes is a whole-life project, and thus you should focus your step-by-step efforts on multiple areas of your existence...read more>>>...
Becoming a better person in your own eyes is a whole-life project, and thus you should focus your step-by-step efforts on multiple areas of your existence...read more>>>...
Sunday, 25 January 2015
The Shadow Of A Man On Mars?
Daily Mail: Scientists have long wondered if life really does exist on Mars. And a new set of pictures released by NASA could appear to confirm conspiracy theorists' claims that we are not alone in the universe. The images taken by a NASA navigation camera have been released and appear to show a human-like figure working on the Mars Curiosity Rover, which is scanning the Red Planet. The pictures seem to feature a human-shaped shadow looming over the probe as if they are repairing it. The shadow formed shows what looks like a male figure, who isn't wearing a helmet as his short spiky hair is visible.It also looks like the figure is wearing an air tank on his back and a suit covering most of his body...READ MORE>>>...
Friday, 23 January 2015
Mars Anomalies
This is the Martian surface captured in an image from Google Mars. There are numerous interesting anomalies in this image. The coloration of the image is not correct, but the content of the image is indeed accurate. We are not looking at a lifeless planet ... that is for sure. We are looking at content that had been hidden by NASA.
What are the strange light anomalies in this image? There also appears to be humanoid figures standing behind 'structures created by intelligent life'. What are we looking at here?
Leaving a Positive Footprint
Daily Om: Physical space acts like a sponge, absorbing the radiant of all who pass through it. And, more likely than not, the spaces we move through each day have seen many people come and go. We have no way of knowing whether the energy footprints left behind by those who preceded us will invigorate us or drain us. Yet we can control the energy footprint we leave behind for others. In blessing each space we enter, we orchestrate a subtle energy shift that affects not only our own experiences in that space but also the experiences of the individuals who will enter the space after us. While we may never see the effects our blessing has had, we can take comfort in the fact that we have provided grace for those that follow after us. When you bless a room or an entire building, you leave a powerful message of love and light for all those who will come after you...read more>>>....
What Is Awakening?
(Zen Gardener) Since ancient times the term awakening has been used as a kind of metaphor that points to the transformation of human consciousness. There are parables in the New Testament that speak of the importance of being awake, of not falling back to sleep. The word Buddha comes from the Sanskrit word Budh, meaning, “to be awake.” So Buddha is not a name and ultimately not a person, but a state of consciousness. All this implies that humans are potentially capable of living in a state of consciousness compared to which normal wakefulness is like sleeping or dreaming. This is why some spiritual teachings use terms like “shared hallucination” or “universal hypnotism” to describe normal human existence. Pick up any history book, and I suggest you begin with studying the 20th century, and you will find that a large part of the history of our species has all the characteristics we would normally associate with a nightmare or an insane hallucination.
The nature of spiritual awakening is frequently misunderstood. The adoption of spiritual beliefs, seeing visions of God or celestial beings, the ability to channel, to heal, to foretell the future, or other paranormal powers – all such phenomena are of value and are not to be dismissed, but none of them is in itself indicative of spiritual awakening in a person who experiences them. They may occur in a person who has not awakened spiritually and they may or may not accompany the awakened state...read more>>>...
The nature of spiritual awakening is frequently misunderstood. The adoption of spiritual beliefs, seeing visions of God or celestial beings, the ability to channel, to heal, to foretell the future, or other paranormal powers – all such phenomena are of value and are not to be dismissed, but none of them is in itself indicative of spiritual awakening in a person who experiences them. They may occur in a person who has not awakened spiritually and they may or may not accompany the awakened state...read more>>>...
A New Look
A Light In The Darkness has a NEW LOOK for 2015 and beyond!!
We've shifted the articles to the left hand side so the side bar is now on the RIGHT HAND SIDE.
This is just one of the adjustments which are coming to A Light In The Darkness this year. We've also increased the number of articles on the front page and reduced the clutter on the right hand column.
Many new features, links and articles of interest will be added in the coming months. Changes won't be stopping there ...!
A big thanks to all our visitors, new and old! Our stats on visitor numbers are very healthy thanks to your support!
We've shifted the articles to the left hand side so the side bar is now on the RIGHT HAND SIDE.
This is just one of the adjustments which are coming to A Light In The Darkness this year. We've also increased the number of articles on the front page and reduced the clutter on the right hand column.
Many new features, links and articles of interest will be added in the coming months. Changes won't be stopping there ...!
A big thanks to all our visitors, new and old! Our stats on visitor numbers are very healthy thanks to your support!
A Word on 'Ley Lines'
Ley-lines are rhythms of energy. All living things emit these unseen influences. We sense them intuitively and logically, even if we can't see them. When a magnet attracts iron filings we can't see the cause, but we can see the result and in turn know the energy exists.
"Ley-lines transmit or receive energies around the globe..."
The Earth is a living being and many of these invisible dynamics that the Earth emits interact between a human being and the planet. One such unseen force is Ley-lines. Sometimes called 'Telluric Pathways", Ley-lines are often not easily recognised. Some have compared Ley-lines to the acupuncture meridians of the human body. Certain points on the body are energy centers that transmit or receive strength to or from other locations. Ley-lines transmit or receive energies around the globe.
When these pathways were mapped in England at the beginning of the 21st Century they appeared to connect one holy shrine to another. The ancients of each civilisation knew the paths of the Ley-lines and how to amplify the already abundant energy. Native cultures in the Americas called them 'The Spirit Path'. The Chinese understood them to be a balance between the yin and the yang and the Aborigines of Australia called them "Song Lines". Our ancestors often travelled the pathways in solitude, allowing communion between their physical, mental and spiritual being and the Divine. They knew that when these energies interacted with the body's physical makeup the traveller often experienced a feeling of enhanced self awareness and a sense of centered spirituality.(Sacred New Earth)
"Ley-lines transmit or receive energies around the globe..."
The Earth is a living being and many of these invisible dynamics that the Earth emits interact between a human being and the planet. One such unseen force is Ley-lines. Sometimes called 'Telluric Pathways", Ley-lines are often not easily recognised. Some have compared Ley-lines to the acupuncture meridians of the human body. Certain points on the body are energy centers that transmit or receive strength to or from other locations. Ley-lines transmit or receive energies around the globe.
When these pathways were mapped in England at the beginning of the 21st Century they appeared to connect one holy shrine to another. The ancients of each civilisation knew the paths of the Ley-lines and how to amplify the already abundant energy. Native cultures in the Americas called them 'The Spirit Path'. The Chinese understood them to be a balance between the yin and the yang and the Aborigines of Australia called them "Song Lines". Our ancestors often travelled the pathways in solitude, allowing communion between their physical, mental and spiritual being and the Divine. They knew that when these energies interacted with the body's physical makeup the traveller often experienced a feeling of enhanced self awareness and a sense of centered spirituality.(Sacred New Earth)
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Jagged UFO seen hovering over New York
A mysterious jagged-shaped unidentified flying object has been claimed to have been spotted in the sky above New York. The dark, disc shaped object, is filmed as it hovers in mid-air - in clear daylight.
Uploaded to YouTube on January 15, the footage last just fourteen seconds, before the YouTube user claims his phone shut down due to an unexplained overheating issue. He also suggests that wildlife in the area were scared away by the object, which was making a mysterious noise..read more>>>...
Uploaded to YouTube on January 15, the footage last just fourteen seconds, before the YouTube user claims his phone shut down due to an unexplained overheating issue. He also suggests that wildlife in the area were scared away by the object, which was making a mysterious noise..read more>>>...
A Relationship with Self
Daily Om: The most important relationship we have in our lives is with our selves. And even though we are the only ones who are present at every moment of our lives—from birth onward—this relationship can be the most difficult one to cultivate. This may be because society places such emphasis on the importance of being in a romantic partnership, even teaching us to set aside our own needs for the needs of another. Until we know ourselves, however, we cannot possibly choose the right relationship to support our mutual growth toward our highest potential. By allowing ourselves to be comfortable with being alone, we can become the people with whom we want to have a relationship...read more>>>...
Monday, 19 January 2015
Listen to some awesome music broadcasts and live chats here ...
Coming Soon:
Wednesday 21st January 2015 7pm - 9pm AEST: The Matthew James Medium Show - The Mystic Switchboard Absent Mediumship Experiment.
MJM FM is on Mixlr
Coming Soon:
Wednesday 21st January 2015 7pm - 9pm AEST: The Matthew James Medium Show - The Mystic Switchboard Absent Mediumship Experiment.
MJM FM is on Mixlr
Some Celtic Wisdom
“When you cease to fear your solitude, a new creativity awakens in you. Your forgotten or neglected wealth begins to reveal itself. You come home to yourself and learn to rest within. Thoughts are our inner senses. Infused with silence and solitude, they bring out the mystery of inner landscape.”
― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
A Good Turn Daily
Daily Om: Each of us is more than capable of helping the world, despite our fears and limitations and the uncertainty that holds us back. It is commonly accepted that it is impossible to make a difference without unlimited funding or free time, yet most healing, cleansing, and spreading of joy is accomplished in a matter of minutes. If we vow to make the world a better place one day at a time, the true significance of small good deeds reveals itself to us. We come to see that we can be of service without dedicating our lives to recognized charities or giving up the pleasures we enjoy. The warmth we feel when we help the world is only a tiny part of the affirmative transformations that take place when we make altruism a part of everyday existence. We make our homes, workplaces, communities, and countries better and brighter when we think positive thoughts that echo outward, give donations of time or money, smile at everyone we meet, and lend those in need of aid our assistance. As we learn, we inadvertently improve the universe because we can only be truly involved when we are informed....read more>>>...
Friday, 16 January 2015
Where virtual reality is going
Activist Post: I want to sketch the path along which virtual reality is going. Right now, companies are selling improved tech that allows a helmet-wearer to see landscape and people in a wider perspective, and hear layers of sounds to the left and right, and above and below him. He can also walk inside the virtual set up. He can’t touch everything he sees yet, but that’s coming. And perhaps one day, he’ll be able to sit down at a lavish meal and smell and taste the food.
Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste. A five-sense envelope.
He’ll leap off a cliff, fly through the clouds, and attack a monster coming his way, and he’ll win. He’ll do this over and over, and begin to control his own attendant fear. (You can see the obvious military use.)
But…the money men behind virtual reality will want more. They’ll want to program the user’s reactions AHEAD OF TIME; his feelings, sensations, nervous-system responses, endocrine outputs, brain signals.
The full package.
“Press Button A on your remote and receive the complete experience as we give it to you.”...read more>>>...
Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste. A five-sense envelope.
He’ll leap off a cliff, fly through the clouds, and attack a monster coming his way, and he’ll win. He’ll do this over and over, and begin to control his own attendant fear. (You can see the obvious military use.)
But…the money men behind virtual reality will want more. They’ll want to program the user’s reactions AHEAD OF TIME; his feelings, sensations, nervous-system responses, endocrine outputs, brain signals.
The full package.
“Press Button A on your remote and receive the complete experience as we give it to you.”...read more>>>...
Making Choices from a Place of Balance
Daily OM: Each of
the myriad decisions we make every day has the potential to have a deep impact on our lives. Some choices touch us to our very cores, awakening poignant feelings within us. Others seem at first to be simple but prove to be confusingly complex. We make the best decisions when we approach the decision-making process from a balanced emotional and intellectual foundation. When we have achieved equilibrium in our hearts and in our minds, we can clearly see both sides of an issue or alternative. Likewise, we can accept compromise as a natural fact of life. Instead of relying solely on our feelings or our rationality, we utilize both in equal measure, empowering ourselves to come to a life-affirming and balanced conclusion...read more>>>...
Thursday, 15 January 2015
A Word On 'Druidic Mediation'
In the days prior to the 'experiment' known as "Mediumship", before the need to identify and validate the ancestral spirit who was communicating with the human channel, there was a system of MEDIATION.
The function of Mediation being undertaken by a priest or priestess, and their role was to act as an interface between divinity and humanity. In true mediation, the priest or priestess may reach deeply into the states of consciousness where transhuman entities exist. Such entities can be god forms or beings which have transcended the human realms.
In meditation, the human mediator acts as a focus or doorway for the consciousness of these transhuman entities. Mediation is thus not an act of passive reception as in the modern day mediumship communications. Mediation is not about 'messages' as the higher modes of consciousness transcend the human condition and mortal means of communications.
A true mediator may be able to translate a few key image or intuitions of the spirit realm into mortal words but he or she is more likely to be a channel for a specific power or vibration to flow out into the magical circle and ultimately into the world. It is the role of the priest or priestess to mediate the powers of divinity ...
Watch out for Practical Druidic & Spiritual Mediation Workshops to be facilitated by Matthew James in 2015, possibly within The Henge stone circle in NSW!
The function of Mediation being undertaken by a priest or priestess, and their role was to act as an interface between divinity and humanity. In true mediation, the priest or priestess may reach deeply into the states of consciousness where transhuman entities exist. Such entities can be god forms or beings which have transcended the human realms.
In meditation, the human mediator acts as a focus or doorway for the consciousness of these transhuman entities. Mediation is thus not an act of passive reception as in the modern day mediumship communications. Mediation is not about 'messages' as the higher modes of consciousness transcend the human condition and mortal means of communications.
A true mediator may be able to translate a few key image or intuitions of the spirit realm into mortal words but he or she is more likely to be a channel for a specific power or vibration to flow out into the magical circle and ultimately into the world. It is the role of the priest or priestess to mediate the powers of divinity ...
Watch out for Practical Druidic & Spiritual Mediation Workshops to be facilitated by Matthew James in 2015, possibly within The Henge stone circle in NSW!
Black Moth Totem Animal
Moth is the master of disguise and is reminding you to be aware that you could be hiding from yourself. Are you using your emotions to keep yourself hidden from others? Is it time that you transform your emotional energy away from drama and into something closer to your heart? Have faith in your journey and trust that although things seem to be complicated right now – you will eventually see the light. Use your heart to guide you... read more>>>...
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
The Nature of Druidry
Questing, searching, our humanity reaches out to understand, to know, to find answers, to find our place within the world. Some find this within the secular world, others through spiritual practice. Often neither is done consciously but seems to creep upon us, and we find a sense of ‘coming home’ or awareness or dare I say spiritual enlightenment.
Druidry allows me to quite simply live, breath, understand a little and find a place where I can express my spirituality in this world; forming, shaping and reaching out to Nature as my soul develops its sacred connections, finding inspiration.
While Druidry is certainly not a therapy, Druidry helped me to understand the mind shattering experience of life’s rough, raw tides, of the true vulnerability and power of our insanity. When the trees, birds, stones and bones of our ancestors spoke to me without words, I began to value my insanity in what can be sometimes a rather insane world. The healing came when I knew how to find a way to walk in the perceived sanity of everyday reality, yet still nourished by the insanity of the so called non-ordinary reality. (Rob Wilson)
Druidry allows me to quite simply live, breath, understand a little and find a place where I can express my spirituality in this world; forming, shaping and reaching out to Nature as my soul develops its sacred connections, finding inspiration.
While Druidry is certainly not a therapy, Druidry helped me to understand the mind shattering experience of life’s rough, raw tides, of the true vulnerability and power of our insanity. When the trees, birds, stones and bones of our ancestors spoke to me without words, I began to value my insanity in what can be sometimes a rather insane world. The healing came when I knew how to find a way to walk in the perceived sanity of everyday reality, yet still nourished by the insanity of the so called non-ordinary reality. (Rob Wilson)
A Word on 'Spirituality'
Spirituality is NOT about gaining recognition and adoration from fellow members of the human race. Human titles is not what the spiritual path is all about. For most, the genuine spiritual traveller, gains not recognition or acknowledgement from the human world. Those that do, who are genuine in their passage, will merely nervously shrug the mortal accolades off their chests and carry on their way.
Those that carry the titles, who have egos inflamed by the adoration, are not about the spirituality, they are all about being controlled by the separate selfish self. Those who require recognition and acknowledgement from fellow human kind are not walking the path of the spirit. They wander the roadway of the damned. Their souls are generally sold.
Spirituality IS all about being in service of the higher realms. It is all about acknowledging the paths of those who have been before. Of forgiving the original travellers into this realm, who created the karmic tides we now attempt to ride and understand. Spirituality is about embracing all the other aspects of the one consciousness. It is about acknowledging we are all equal. It is not about divide and rule. Or segregation. Or being judgmental. It is about being at one with self.
When the spirit is in harmony it is at one with the universe and the unmanifest planes. When a spirit sees distinctions and divisions around itself, that soul is under the control of the separate selfish self. That is not spirituality. - Matthew James
Those that carry the titles, who have egos inflamed by the adoration, are not about the spirituality, they are all about being controlled by the separate selfish self. Those who require recognition and acknowledgement from fellow human kind are not walking the path of the spirit. They wander the roadway of the damned. Their souls are generally sold.
Spirituality IS all about being in service of the higher realms. It is all about acknowledging the paths of those who have been before. Of forgiving the original travellers into this realm, who created the karmic tides we now attempt to ride and understand. Spirituality is about embracing all the other aspects of the one consciousness. It is about acknowledging we are all equal. It is not about divide and rule. Or segregation. Or being judgmental. It is about being at one with self.
When the spirit is in harmony it is at one with the universe and the unmanifest planes. When a spirit sees distinctions and divisions around itself, that soul is under the control of the separate selfish self. That is not spirituality. - Matthew James
Eel Totem Animal
Astral Magick: Eels are masters of disguise and their camouflage makes them very elusive creatures. In the magical world they are among the few shape shifter creatures and animals that exist in the world and many legends and folk lore stories tell of the Eel changing into human form and back again, at will. They are said to have the magic of allowing one to watch unseen due to their great elusiveness and ability to remain hidden at all times.
Celtic legends abound in regard to the Eel and the Book of Kells mentions them many times throughout, as creatures that can change form by growing legs and walking on land for great distances, only to shift back into their familiar snake like form and return to the sea...read more>>>...
Celtic legends abound in regard to the Eel and the Book of Kells mentions them many times throughout, as creatures that can change form by growing legs and walking on land for great distances, only to shift back into their familiar snake like form and return to the sea...read more>>>...
Manipulations & Mind Games: The Secret Battle to Control How We Think
New Dawn Magazine: Throughout history the mechanisms of persuasion and influence have always been manipulated by those in power as a means to maintain authority and legitimacy. In more recent times the overall manipulation of the mass public mind has become less about overt spectacles of fear and obedience, and more about subtle forms of media propaganda. The manufacturing of consent1 is endemic and has become a pervasive presence within modern societies. By way of mainstream media, a nation’s controlling authority is able to exert psychological influence upon people’s perception of reality. This capacity works hand-in-hand with the more physical components, such as enforcing the legal system and national security laws (surveillance and monitoring). State control, acting as a ‘psychological machine’, instigates specific psychological manipulations in order to achieve desired goals within its national borders (and often beyond)....read more>>>...
ISIS Just So Happens to Hack CENTCOM Just as Obama Is Announcing New Cyber Security Legislation?
Could it really get any more convenient than this?
The top story today everywhere is that ISIS hackers attacked U.S. Central Command and posted sensitive info on the agency’s official Twitter page.
Via The Washington Free Beacon:
Hackers with the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, posted links on U.S. Central Command’s official Twitter page to what it claimed was “confidential data from your mobile devices.”
“ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base. With Allah’s permission we are in CENTCOM now,” said one tweet sent from CENTCOM’s account.’ ...read more>>>...
The top story today everywhere is that ISIS hackers attacked U.S. Central Command and posted sensitive info on the agency’s official Twitter page.
Via The Washington Free Beacon:
Hackers with the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, posted links on U.S. Central Command’s official Twitter page to what it claimed was “confidential data from your mobile devices.”
“ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base. With Allah’s permission we are in CENTCOM now,” said one tweet sent from CENTCOM’s account.’ ...read more>>>...
Study finds children more at danger to WiFi exposure than previously thought
S.O.T.T: That was among the conclusions of a report published in the Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure entitled "Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences."
From an analysis of peer-reviewed studies, the authors argue that children and adolescents are at considerable risk from devices that radiate microwaves (and that adults are at a lower, but still significant, risk). The following points were made:
*Children absorb a greater amount of microwave radiation than adults.
*Fetuses are even more vulnerable than children. Therefore pregnant women should avoid exposing their fetus to microwave radiation.
*Adolescent girls and women should not place cellphones in their bras or in hijabs (headscarf).
*Cellphone manual warnings make clear an overexposure problem exists.
*Government warnings have been issued but most of the public are unaware of such warnings.
*Current exposure limits are inadequate and should be revised.
*Wireless devices are radio transmitters, not toys. Selling toys that use them should be monitored more closely, or possibly even banned.
Children and fetuses absorb more microwave radiation, according to the authors, because their bodies are relatively smaller, their skulls are thinner, and their brain tissue is more absorbent...read more>>>...
From an analysis of peer-reviewed studies, the authors argue that children and adolescents are at considerable risk from devices that radiate microwaves (and that adults are at a lower, but still significant, risk). The following points were made:
*Children absorb a greater amount of microwave radiation than adults.
*Fetuses are even more vulnerable than children. Therefore pregnant women should avoid exposing their fetus to microwave radiation.
*Adolescent girls and women should not place cellphones in their bras or in hijabs (headscarf).
*Cellphone manual warnings make clear an overexposure problem exists.
*Government warnings have been issued but most of the public are unaware of such warnings.
*Current exposure limits are inadequate and should be revised.
*Wireless devices are radio transmitters, not toys. Selling toys that use them should be monitored more closely, or possibly even banned.
Children and fetuses absorb more microwave radiation, according to the authors, because their bodies are relatively smaller, their skulls are thinner, and their brain tissue is more absorbent...read more>>>...
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Anticipating the Good
Daily OM: When we find ourselves going through any kind of change in our lives, our natural response may be to tense up on the physical, mental, or emotional level. We may not even notice that we have braced ourselves against a shift until we recognize the anxiety, mood swings, or general worried feeling toward the unknown that usually results. There are positive ways to move through change without pushing it away, however, or attempting to deny that it is happening. Since change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to make our response to it an affirmative one of anticipation, welcoming the new while releasing the past with grace...read more>>>....
Hidden in ‘Plain Sight’
Waking Times: It is clear, even by the academicians, the “eyes” don’t really see at all, but it’s the “brain” that does the busy work of assembling an image. In this model, the eyes serve as a conduit to deliver imagery to the brain. It is assumed, of course, that this network is a one-way delivery system. The image always comes to us, we don’t go to the image. It is this very notion I am challenging, and perhaps I might even be able to offer a modicum of proof to support my position that this experience we call sight is indeed a two-way deal.
For the record, there is “seeing” and then there is “vision.” The process of “seeing” is often described in clinical terms such as briefly described above. Seeing is accomplished by visual receptors tethered to the brain. Vision, however, is accomplished within the mind (which resides in the brain) and is aided by intuitive or “knowing” modalities of consciousness. The Human retains the capacity to have both sight and vision. Vision allows the Human to meet the object, and sight allows the light of the object to meet the Human. This balance in Universe brings equity and harmony to that extraordinary gift of visual perception.
Seeing is indeed a “belief” system. If you believe you are seeing a bus go by, then you can rest assured that a bus is most certainly going by. The belief aspect of sight is interesting because it requires one to first believe that what they’re seeing is real. In the case of the bus, we most certainly would not want to step out in front of it. Not only do you “believe” the bus is there but you also “know” the bus is there. This is where sight and vision come together to help solidify the experience as real...read more>>>>...
For the record, there is “seeing” and then there is “vision.” The process of “seeing” is often described in clinical terms such as briefly described above. Seeing is accomplished by visual receptors tethered to the brain. Vision, however, is accomplished within the mind (which resides in the brain) and is aided by intuitive or “knowing” modalities of consciousness. The Human retains the capacity to have both sight and vision. Vision allows the Human to meet the object, and sight allows the light of the object to meet the Human. This balance in Universe brings equity and harmony to that extraordinary gift of visual perception.
Seeing is indeed a “belief” system. If you believe you are seeing a bus go by, then you can rest assured that a bus is most certainly going by. The belief aspect of sight is interesting because it requires one to first believe that what they’re seeing is real. In the case of the bus, we most certainly would not want to step out in front of it. Not only do you “believe” the bus is there but you also “know” the bus is there. This is where sight and vision come together to help solidify the experience as real...read more>>>>...
Saturday, 10 January 2015
The Year of the Dragonfly: Perspectives from New Shamanism
Star Child Global: 2015 is going to be an astonishing and magical year on Planet Earth.
The Energy that is the Guardian and Keeper of this year is that of the
Dragonfly. Dragonfly is the Keeper of the Portals of Magic, Dreams and
Mystery. It is a fitting energy to guide our emergence into the Sixth
Dimension of Magic and Dream manifestation. As we anchor the magical sixth dimension on Earth, Dragonfly will assist in guiding us into a new magical and shamanic reality. New Shamanism is a way of living as well as a perception of reality
that draws on the ancient path of the Shaman. But, in the 21st century,
this path is expressed and experienced at a new level of awareness that
incorporates higher consciousness, compassion and creativity. This new consciousness can embrace Dragonfly "medicine", or the
energy signature of the Dragonfly. This is the ability to transform, to
dream and to weave light into Magical Manifestation...read more>>>...
Friday, 9 January 2015
Mysterious Legendary Metal From Atlantis Found In Shipwreck Off Sicily
When the mythical island of Atlantis famously submerged into the ocean, it took all of its orichalcum with it. The legendary cast metal was reputedly second only to gold in value. Now, a team of divers say they’ve recovered 39 blocks of orichalcum in a sixth-century shipwreck on the seafloor near Sicily, Discovery News reports. The 2,600-year-old ship, likely from Greece or somewhere in Asia Minor, was carrying the metal to Gela in southern Sicily when it was caught in a storm and sank around 300 meters (1,000 feet) from the port.
"Nothing similar has ever been found," Sebastiano Tusa of Sicily's Sea Office says. "We knew orichalcum from ancient texts and a few ornamental objects." According to Plato’s Critias, the metal was mined only on Atlantis, where it was used to cover the inside of Poseidon’s temple.
Experts nowadays agree that orichalcum is a brass-like alloy that was made in that past by reacting zinc ore, charcoal, and copper metal. When the newly discovered ingots were analyzed with X-ray fluorescence, Discovery explains, the metal turned out to be an alloy made with 75 to 80 percent copper, 15 to 20 percent zinc, and small percentages of nickel, lead, and iron...read more>>>...
"Nothing similar has ever been found," Sebastiano Tusa of Sicily's Sea Office says. "We knew orichalcum from ancient texts and a few ornamental objects." According to Plato’s Critias, the metal was mined only on Atlantis, where it was used to cover the inside of Poseidon’s temple.
Experts nowadays agree that orichalcum is a brass-like alloy that was made in that past by reacting zinc ore, charcoal, and copper metal. When the newly discovered ingots were analyzed with X-ray fluorescence, Discovery explains, the metal turned out to be an alloy made with 75 to 80 percent copper, 15 to 20 percent zinc, and small percentages of nickel, lead, and iron...read more>>>...
2015 - The Year Of The False Flags?
Here we are in only the second week of 2015, and we are subjected to yet another 'terrorist attack'. This time in Paris. An outrage and an attrocity with lives lost at the hands of masked gunmen.
Again, there is informed chit chat in the conspiracy theory sections of the net, that this latest outrage is a sham. There is considerable evidence already that all is not what it seems. A video of a gunman supposedly shooting a fallen policeman. But there is no blood and it appears to be an improbable shooting. It looked to me like a blank being fired by a shrouded man who could be anyone. Visually it looks like a terrorist like the media wants us to believe. It looks like a movie set shooting so I do not believe it!
There is also imagery provided which has apparent blood and gore on the ground and around the fallen victims, which looks like a theatrical setting. It does not look real. The blood looks fake ... the photographs have been compared with those of the shooting of JFK. I seriously question those images. Again, I do not believe it!!
Clearly, the powers that be declared the need for a distraction in the form of a massive Media Event. But why? Perhaps its true that this was designed to distract from the current Royal Family Scandal ... maybe that's true ..
Or maybe 2015 is going to be a year of the false flags? Spiritually 2015 is the year of separating the light from the dark and karmically shorting out the baggage prior to assimilation ... the time of the great unravelling has begun ... as the karmic powers alive in the world are balanced and collectively mankind can lift to a higher vibration. There are forces out there who do not want this to happen. False flags are the perfect way of subduing the human psyche and conditioning it to remain in the self imposed prison.
Only time will tell. I hope I am wrong, but this may well be the first of many false flags this year. Mankind remain vigilant and DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE. Look how convincing Hollywood movies can seem with special effects. Know that those who made these films are also involved in media reports. Remember I told you that ...
Again, there is informed chit chat in the conspiracy theory sections of the net, that this latest outrage is a sham. There is considerable evidence already that all is not what it seems. A video of a gunman supposedly shooting a fallen policeman. But there is no blood and it appears to be an improbable shooting. It looked to me like a blank being fired by a shrouded man who could be anyone. Visually it looks like a terrorist like the media wants us to believe. It looks like a movie set shooting so I do not believe it!
There is also imagery provided which has apparent blood and gore on the ground and around the fallen victims, which looks like a theatrical setting. It does not look real. The blood looks fake ... the photographs have been compared with those of the shooting of JFK. I seriously question those images. Again, I do not believe it!!
Clearly, the powers that be declared the need for a distraction in the form of a massive Media Event. But why? Perhaps its true that this was designed to distract from the current Royal Family Scandal ... maybe that's true ..
Or maybe 2015 is going to be a year of the false flags? Spiritually 2015 is the year of separating the light from the dark and karmically shorting out the baggage prior to assimilation ... the time of the great unravelling has begun ... as the karmic powers alive in the world are balanced and collectively mankind can lift to a higher vibration. There are forces out there who do not want this to happen. False flags are the perfect way of subduing the human psyche and conditioning it to remain in the self imposed prison.
Only time will tell. I hope I am wrong, but this may well be the first of many false flags this year. Mankind remain vigilant and DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE. Look how convincing Hollywood movies can seem with special effects. Know that those who made these films are also involved in media reports. Remember I told you that ...
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Quote for the Day
“If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value.” ~Unknown
Is this the worst counterfeit ever? Fake £20 is just two photocopies stapled together - and a shop ACCEPTED it
Daily Mail: It could just be the worst ever counterfeit - but this
photocopied £20 note still managed to fool staff at one shop. Police in Manchester revealed that the counterfeit cash had
been accepted by a shop as legal currency over the Christmas and New Year
period. The fake money, which was just two colour photocopies of a
£20 note loosely stapled together, is understood to have been printed on normal
paper and cut to size...read more>>>...
A Living Dwelling
Daily OM: The homes we occupy are seldom ideal. A space that satisfies our basic needs may nonetheless leave us wanting where location, décor, or style are concerned. Yet every home has the potential to be beautiful. When we fill our homes with love, we transcend worldly factors such as market value and design. Our conscious, loving intentions can literally transform the spaces in which we live, dispelling any lingering unharmonious energy and replacing it with an ethereal beauty that is felt rather than seen. Our homes become spiritual dwellings that feel soulful and alive. Regardless of their outward appearances, they radiate love, making all who enter, including ourselves, feel instantly welcome.
Turning a space into the beautiful outward expression of your inner warmth is as easy as projecting love into it. When your intentions are sincere, you can infuse the walls of your home with your energy, your emotional sensitivity, and your generosity of spirit, turning it into a haven of affection, joy, laughter, and togetherness...read more>>>...
Turning a space into the beautiful outward expression of your inner warmth is as easy as projecting love into it. When your intentions are sincere, you can infuse the walls of your home with your energy, your emotional sensitivity, and your generosity of spirit, turning it into a haven of affection, joy, laughter, and togetherness...read more>>>...
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness, Reality and Time
When I see a person (and even perceive an object by touch, smell, etc.), I seem to recognise various manifestations of a human being, but in reality I perceive a cloud of atoms and sub-atomic particles, which in themselves only come into being as a result of our consciousness, as, for example, seen by a theoretical physicist David Bohm [Ref. Quantum Implications in Hidden Variables and the Implicate Order, Edited by Hiley and Peat, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1987 ; also Ref. Karl Pribram “Languages of the Brain”, Wadsworth Publishing, Calif., 1977].
Also quoting from Carlos Castaneda: ”Tales of Power”, Simon & Schuster, N.Y., 1974, page 100: “We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description [and I would call it a deception – A.S.] that was created to help us. We, or rather our reason, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime”....read more>>>...
Also quoting from Carlos Castaneda: ”Tales of Power”, Simon & Schuster, N.Y., 1974, page 100: “We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description [and I would call it a deception – A.S.] that was created to help us. We, or rather our reason, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime”....read more>>>...
Newly Renamed High Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Toxic Mercury

UK: Less Than Half of Antipsychotic Prescriptions Given for Actual Psychosis
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Natural Blaze: Less than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs
are being issued to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are
mainly licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open. Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other
conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of
potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate. The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and
second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011,
using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database...read more>>>...
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpufv
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpufv
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs are being issued
to treat the serious mental illnesses for which they are mainly
licensed, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
Instead, they may often be prescribed 'off label' to older people with other conditions, such as anxiety and dementia, despite the greater risk of potentially serious side effects in this age group, the findings indicate.
The researchers analysed family doctors' prescribing patterns for first and second generation antipsychotic drugs across the UK between 2007 and 2011, using data submitted to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database.
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/12/uk-less-than-half-of-antipsychotic.html#sthash.aILQltj1.dpuf
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