Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 18 February 2015

"There is nothing to fear but fear."

"There is nothing to fear but fear." -Ludwig Boerne (1786-1837)

Fear is defined as an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger, a state marked by this emotion.  Also fear, dread, fright, alarm, panic, trepidation.  As if this wasn't bad enough, fear is actually much worse than this...fear is what keeps us from being and  becoming whole human beings.  You can dress fear up in any one of a number of outfits, you can call it anger, grief, rage, jealousy, depression...but fear is still fear - it is any negative emotion that keeps you from being the best you can be. 

Fear is the opposite of love and a negative emotion that you   need to eliminate from your life.  Fear never kept your safe, not one moment of your life, and it's a terrible way to live. 

One method of  facing your fear, whatever it is, is to fully go into it - feel it - think about how it would feel to do the thing you fear, or how you would cope with the loss of a loved one, or what's the worst that would happen if you spoke up to the person who's been pushing you around.  Whatever it is that you fear...go into it...feel it...and come out the other side of your fear.  Once you start to face your fears and try to come out on the other side of them, the next thing to do is to force yourself to take some low-risk chances.  

Challenge yourself, and with every low-risk challenge you take, your fear will start to fall away.  Even if you don't succeed, your confidence and self-esteem will rise with every risk you take.  The only thing you risk is failure, and it's not even failing if you take a chance.  When you confront your fears you have nothing to lose but fear...what a wonderfully freeing concept!

What is your deepest fear? Or fears? Are you ready to face them … do you know how to face them?   

The theory bit is that … scientists tell us that the journey we build in our mind is as real to the brain as our dail experiences. The world of the subconscious mind is a real world with real      beings. The water is just as wet, the sun is just as hot. The only difference is that we can do things in that world we cannot do in this world. Why? Because in the inner world we admit to no      barriers. We use the same powers and senses we have in the real world, but there we believe in them. We think we are dreaming, but it IS real and can use the finer matter of that world to change this one

Extract Taken From The Art Of Creative Visualisation Workshop notes by Matthew James