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Wednesday, 16 October 2019

No deal tonight as DUP scuppers Boris Johnson's Brexit bid: Last-ditch talks to continue into Thursday but PM and EU still confident agreement can be reached before crucial Brussels summit

The 'apparent' game of cat and mouse continues with more twists and turns than a serial drama on TV; pitching this way, and that with the scheming & frankly heavily biased MSM there in the middle pushing & pulling the so called truth. 

We had 'The Infamous Five' enacting a chapter out of 'The Infamous Five Go To Brussels' this morning - traitorous remainer MPs supposedly trying to get the EU to grant a delay until 31st January 2020 should there be no deal. 

Stories of a QC judge trying to get legislation to sue Boris and the government for trying to get a deal.

News that 'IRA' Corbyn is trying to form a replacement government should Boris Johnson be given a vote of no confidence.

All lines out of a good cop, bad cop script. Pity that we don't know the REAL story, as it will resemble nothing like what we are seeing played out in the MSM. For starters the UK didn't LEGALLY join the EU in the first place; there is only allowance for ONE extension in Article 50; the EU withdrawal clause which permits a country to leave the EU; so any further extension is not possible by way of EU Law .... any way let's get on with the MSM story should we??

[Daily Mail]: A Brexit deal will not be reached this evening, according to Government sources - as the DUP scuppers the Prime Minister's latest bid to get one across the line in time for tomorrow's Brussels summit.

Boris Johnson tried to put a brave face on as it emerged that a deal was unlikely to be reached this evening, despite frantic efforts to try and find a way through the deadlock.

The delicate process was placed in jeopardy by objections from the DUP, who complained that the mechanism for getting 'consent' from the people of Northern Ireland would break the Good Friday Agreement - saying unionists should have a veto...<<<Read The Full MSM Fabricated Article Here>>>...