[Natural News]: Climate lunatics everywhere are falling all over themselves in adoration of Greta Thunberg, the climate kid who’s being hailed as some kind of progressive environmental hero for whining about global warming at the United Nations.
But adult scientists who actually know what they’re talking about disagree with everything she’s saying, and contend that there’s no actual climate emergency taking place.
Some 500 scientists and professionals just last week signed on to what’s been dubbed the “European Climate Declaration,” a scientific statement, of sorts, that counters the climate lies being peddled by the likes of Greta, whom we’ve exposed as a globalist psy-op playing her part in the climate change money-making scam.
This declaration debunks the wild assertion that “97 percent of climatologists agree that anthropogenic climate change is occurring,” which is patently false. It also destroys the so-called “modeling” that climate fanatics claim “proves” that “catastrophic climate change will occur in the next [pick a number] years unless drastic changes are made.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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