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Wednesday 2 October 2019

Tech Addiction & The Illuminati Agenda

[David Icke]: In a January 2018 open letter, the two largest investors in Apple – Jana Partners & The California State Teacher’s Retirement System – called on the tech giant to take a serious look at how increased screen time is affecting and addicting children to technology.

The letter said, “Apple can play a defining role in signaling to the industry that paying special attention to the health and development of the next generation is both good business and the right thing to do.”

While a handful of commentators including myself ( have railed against the dangers of a world operating in “augmented reality” mode, could this letter be a bellwether towards a quantum leap in societal awareness as to the dangers of technological addiction on a mass scale?

Let’s hope so.

With CERN opening Pandora’s box in its arrogant quest for the “God particle”, increasingly powerful cell phone towers to broadcast CERN-generated dark matter, and demonic “pay with your face” portals in the hands of every nearly every American – child and adult alike – we are at a spiritual crossroads on planet earth.

Illuminati programming on both TV and the Internet is coming out in the open. The very end of the latest Taco Bell commercial contains a tacit admission of the secret societies’ existence.

On November 13 the FDA approved the first-ever micro-chipped prescription drug. Abilify MyCite contains a “digital ingestion tacking system”, which will record whether or not the patient took his/her medication.

The Illuminati end game is nigh. And technology is their spearhead...Read The Full Article Here>>>...