Tell this to the brainwashed Pied Piper and her band of merrily mind controlled human sheep; and they will not believe you. Instead, they will prefer to believe the doom and gloom human extinction death cult notions, that are threatening to impose the stone age on mankind.
When you remain open minded and do unbiased, and unswayed research on your own ... there is only one conclusion to reach ... the EVIL and INSANE 1% are trying to dupe mankind into lies created by the Club of Rome so their precious Agenda 21 can be fulfilled.
Think on this ... to be Carbon Zero/Neutral by 2025 .. it means humans need to stop breathing to prevent exhaling 845 pounds of CO2 per person per year. Basically 5070 pounds or 2.26 imperial tonnes of CO2 per person multipled by 7 billion, which equal 15,820,000,000 tonnes of CO2 by 2025!!! Think of ALL that wonderful CO2 we humans will produce ... yay!
[Humans are Free]; Carbon dioxide emissions are making the Earth greener and more fertile, a United Nations (UN) climate scientist has said.
In a paper for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Dr Indur Goklany, who has previously represented the United States on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), says that the rising level of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere “is currently net beneficial for both humanity and the biosphere generally”.
The benefits are real, whereas the costs of warming are uncertain,” he adds.
“Carbon dioxide fertilises plants, and emissions from fossil fuels have already had a hugely beneficial effect on crops, increasing yields by at least 10-15 per cent,” Dr Golkany argues.
“This has not only been good for humankind but for the natural world too, because an acre of land that is not used for crops is an acre of land that is left for nature.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>...
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