[David Icke]: The Elite front Extinction Rebellion and the hidden agenda to impose 5G
The founder and 'mother' of Extinction Rebellion, Dr Gail Marie Bradbrook has spent the past two decades as a director of third sector front-groups (BITC and Citizens Online); both funded and quite unashamedly run in the interests of various international corporate cabals (mostly tech and communications) and government entities.
Some of the biggest corporations, banks and state-bureaucracies in the world 'valued' what Red Gail, her husband and their business associates were offering, so much so that they pumped millions of pounds into funding their 'charitable works'.
In order to understand an organisation or entity, one must first come to an understanding of its founders. Dr Gail Marie Bradbrook, along with Julian ‘Roger’ Hallam, appear to be the two primary instigators of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement.
The following is an investigation into Bradbrook, her background, professional associations, ideology and influences.
Gail and the other budding public figures involved in XR have chosen to enter the public eye by asking millions of people to stand with them in a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience, aimed at making profound changes to an economic and political system which millions of people rely on to stay warm, and obtain basic things like food and water. Due to the serious nature of the changes they are proposing (albeit without mentioning that they’re all taken straight from the UN’s ‘Sustainable Development Goals [1]’), they should welcome criticism and scrutiny of their activities. If they are sincere, they should demonstrate integrity, and not dismiss dissenting voices, but instead engage openly with people who question their motives and stated objectives.
Gail epitomises the new generation of ‘professional activists’, having positioned herself at the epicentre of the revolving door between big business, government bureaucracies and establishment-friendly NGOs, campaign groups and charitable organisations, all of which increasingly function as the public face of international corporate and financial power.'...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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