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Thursday 12 March 2020

Electrical Engineers Say Avoid 'Smart' Watches and Earphones Unless Absolutely Necessary Because of Harmful Radiation

[David Icke]: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) provides a mission statement on their website:

IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Recently, they issued some advice about how humanity can more safely use devices that emit Bluetooth, cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation.

It included that we should avoid “smart” watches and earphones unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, activity trackers, Fitbits, “Smart” Watches, Apple AirPods and other wearables are frequently being used by people of all ages (including children) when they are absolutely NOT necessary. Even scarier – sometimes doctors are recommending them for people who aren’t even their patients.

American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have been warning for many years already that children are more vulnerable to harm from wireless radiation exposure. In fact, there is still NO “safe” level of exposure that has been scientifically determined for kids or pregnant women. American federal scientists have even admitted to reducing their exposure to wireless radiation emitting tech. Exposure risks include more than increased possibility of cancer ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...