Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 13 March 2020

Insights into 2020

Day 73 if 365

Again, we are not going to beat around the bush with this report. There is a clear agenda behind what is transpiring around the world at this time. It's not a conspiracy. It's the truth. Whether the CoVid-19 pandemic is a smokescreen or the main intention, it is not clear. But something sinister and alarming is going down.

The MSM has been plundered by the deeply psychotic and brutally evil hidden hand and is really selling the Covid-19 = death agenda. It is really scary to see the speed and the slickness that the MSM is reporting this damn thing.

Yes it is a new virus. Yes it's killing people. Yes it going world wide and very quickly. But too quickly.

The internet has also been plundered by the deeply psychotic and brutally evil hidden hand, and is deliberately peddling fake news and conspiracy theories about CoVid-19. Deliberately. Hiding what its really all about. It's the classic cloud making machine ... turning the attention to the trees and not the wood.

Stepping back out of the emotional and reactive PROGRAMMED human response to this 'crisis' ... and looking at it calmly and with a clear mind. What do we see?? A bio weapon attack on mankind? Or certain aspects of mankind? Human genocide? A take over of the world market by crashing the existing one? A big distraction whilst something else is going on ... we favour the latter; and if tens of thousands of humans are taken off the planet in the process then it is a bonus.

Remember, a bio weapon is a genetically engineered virus which will have been previously TESTED on a target population. Humans will have been experimented on to see what this CoVid-19 can do. So the hidden hand know EXACTLY what this strain does. They have plenty of others. More lethal ones ... but this one ... which will manifest as a bad cold for 80% of the population ... is a mild one to cause maximum panic on the population; especially as they've been conditioning mankind for years leading up to 2020 with films,fake news and conspiracy theories deadly viruses, human depopulation and the like. So when this hits mankind go stir crazy and controlled MSM gets all the attention on to it .... hey presto attention is drawn away from what is really going on. Is the human depopulation program real? Or are they all conspiracy theories put out by the hidden hand to scare the shit out of us? A 'leaked' document here and web site there ... and one plus one equals 25 ... maybe.

Or maybe it is all VERY real. All we suspect is that CoVid-19 is a deadly game to them and a necessary smokescreen for them to hide what they need to do deviously.

And our theory of what is really going on? What is being rolled out in 2020??? The all singing and dancing real 5G complete with extra towers and satellites. It can all go ahead now ... with eyes drawn away through CoVid-19. Especially as the hidden hand know that humans have learnt the truth about 5G. Lots of fake news is out there about 5G but the basic picture of its lethal nature are true.

It might not be just 5G that is going on ... there are bound to be other agendas rolling out that cannot be in plain sight for they would be discovered ... so create a world wide smokescreen and do your nasty stuff with human back's turned ....