Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 13 March 2020

Medicines taken by 6.6million people with high blood pressure and diabetes could raise the risk of deadly coronavirus symptoms, scientists claim

This is CLASSIC fearmongering by the hidden hand owned & controlled MSM. How to maximise the fear already generated by the current situation. This eptitomises the agenda behind the CoVid-2019 crisis perfectly.

It's scare the sheep until they demand a solution ... the CoVid-2019 vaccine which is 'still a year away' which they already have ... and are awaiting deployment. 

We are currently at the REACTION stage ... 'something must be done' ... to end the bio engineered PROBLEM ... once the sheep scream loud enough (And enough die in the process) the solution will be provided. Worldwide COMPULSORY vaccination with an I.D card to prove you've had the vaccination...... the prison door will then be locked behind us ...end of story. What'll be in the vaccine is what they've wanted us all to have for decades. It's not good ... basically. Once their sick nanotechnology gets into us ... its the end game. And it is so close ... 

Human life and society as we knew it has gone. You're watching it all go to never be brought back. All these restrictions and bans ... it's the NWO pulling us into their planned prison. Sadly ... we're watching the beginning of the end of mankind. 

[Daily Mail]: People with high blood pressure and diabetes could be at higher risk of severe or fatal coronavirus symptoms because of how their medicines work, scientists say.

Drugs called ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers may change the shape of someone's cells in a way that makes it easier for the coronavirus to infect them and cause a more severe illness.

The common medications were prescribed almost 65million times in England last year and cost the NHS more than £100m.They are given to treat diabetes or high blood pressure and around 10 per cent of people in the UK – some 6.6million – are estimated to take them regularly....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...