Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 3 March 2020

The Real Epidemic

[David Icke]: You shouldn’t fear the virus but you should fear what comes next. It is obvious by the media-instilled hysteria that the ‘crisis’ is being manufactured to fulfill an agenda.

Number one on the list of will be the elite’s long-cherished goal of introducing mandatory vaccination. Because the vast majority of the public has no knowledge of the multitude of health risks associated with vaccination, they will not think to question it if it is made compulsory and, in fact, in their fear and ignorance, will probably welcome it.

Number two on the list will be the acceptance of forced quarantine. There are already a number of UK newspapers stating that the public are too selfish for us to win the fight against the virus because we don’t do what the authorities tell us anymore and we can’t be trusted to self-isolate. One has even said that individuals must do what is required to protect the herd. The deliberate use of the word herd is, of course, intentionally done to make the association with the myth of herd immunity and vaccines. To protect the herd everybody must be vaccinated. In other words, you must be prepared to inject you and your family with dangerous substances and allow yourself to be locked up for the benefit of humanity. Sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

Number three on the elite’s wish list is compulsory monitoring of your medical status. Basically, you will soon have to carry medical ID around with you to confirm you have all your required vaccinations or you will not be able to travel on public transport, or enter public buildings and then you will be arrested and forcibly vaccinated.

This, in turn, will lead to item 4, the compulsory microchipping of the population. Carrying medical records around with you will be viewed as inconvenient for you and the authorities as you could forget them or lose them. Therefore, to make everyone’s life easier you will be forced to have an RFID microchip implanted with all your vaccination details on it that the authorities can easily read....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...