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Saturday 9 May 2020

Vitamin D identified as the “survival nutrient” against covid-19… could cut mortality rate in HALF, say researchers

[Natural News]: A study carried out by Northwestern University has found that higher vitamin D levels result in lower mortality rates from covid-19 infections.

Vitamin D deficiency, according to the study, was significantly linked to the development of severe symptoms and complications leading to death.

The study used data from coronavirus patients across multiple nations, including the UK, the USA, China, France, Italy and South Korea. Those patients who had the lowest vitamin D levels had the highest risk of complications such as the “cytokine storm” immune reaction that leads to rapid death.

“[W]e saw a significant correlation with vitamin D deficiency,” says study author Vadim Backman.

The research paper concludes, “Our finding suggests that Vit. D may reduce COVID-19 severity by suppressing cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients.”

The paper is careful to note that vitamin D should not be considered a kind of miracle cure for covid-19 and that more research needs to be conducted to further explore the relationship....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...