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Thursday 18 June 2020

American firm unveils coronavirus “health pass” to prevent “unhealthy” people from accessing airports, workplaces

[Natural News]: Just as many have warned, the tech industry is busy developing new apps for tracking people and determining their health status in the age of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And at least one biometrics firm has already created one known as “ClearPass.”

Developed by a company called Clear, this new “health pass” will utilize people’s biometrics and health records to generate individual identification profiles supposedly capable of determining whether or not a person is “safe” from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

Launched back in May, this health pass is a “free” service that users can download from app stores and load onto their smartphones. Once installed, the system will continuously determine whether or not a user is “unhealthy,” in which case he or she would be prohibited from traveling through an airport, going to work, or even attending a church service.

Developed by the same Clear company that you may have seen offering pre-verified security screenings at airports, this new health pass will function much like an access pass that screens people and determines whether or not they are “healthy” enough to participate in society.

“Health pass is a free service on the CLEAR mobile app that connects your verified identity – using CLEAR’s established biometric platform – with a live health screening, creating safer entry experiences for all,” the Clear website explains.

The so-called ClearPass that Clear already offers at airports provides fast-tracked security checks for a $179, allowing travelers to speed through security while everyone else waits in line to be naked body scanned or groped with a pat-down....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...