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Sunday 28 June 2020

What is Existential Depression?

[Wake Up World]: If you are highly sensitive, are a deep thinker/feeler, and are unusually perceptive, you probably have (or have had) existential depression.

Depression is a topic that is frequently written about. We hear remedies, theories, and stories all the time. But few people have heard of existential depression – hence why those who suffer from it can feel tremendously alienated and under-represented.

There are numerous types of depression, and they can be categorized in the following way:

- Situational Depression — caused by external events such as a death, tragedy, loss of employment, etc.
- Hormonal Depression — caused by an internal imbalance of chemicals
- Biological Depression — triggered by genetics
- Seasonal Depression — caused by the changing of seasons (as seen in seasonal affective disorder)
- Intrapersonal Depression — caused by toxic beliefs and perceptions that lead to low self-worth
- Existential Depression — caused by a lack of meaning and Soul connection

In this article, we’ll only be exploring existential depression and how to handle it.

Seeing as it’s such an unusual form of depression that doesn’t respond well to normal treatment, my goal is to help you compassionately face it. As someone who has experienced existential depression before, I want you to know that it does fade and go away – there is hope.

In a nutshell, existential depression is a type of spiritual emergency. It is crippling, profound, pervasive, and highly personal in nature. Most people who experience existential depression feel numb, lost, and empty inside. These people tend to be philosophical deep thinkers and feelers who want to understand the meaning of life. Clinically, existential depression falls into a “grey” area as it is often classified as “uncaused,” although it can sometimes be triggered by internal or external crises....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...