Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 26 June 2020

Shining a light on unnecessary quarantines: The WHO recommended the opposite of what was needed

[SOTT]: The latest information is that the lockdown was unnecessary. In fact, not only was it unnecessary but it turns out that locking people in their homes was exactly the wrong thing to do.

A study of almost 800 people shows that the higher your vitamin D status the less the coronavirus will affect you. Get enough sun, the data suggests, and you simply cannot die of the coronavirus.

World health authorities really got it wrong and unbelievably, they got the entire human race to listen to them. Recommending the exact opposite of what was needed, to step into the sun everyday and take D3 supplements and even get D injections would have represented intelligent medicine. We do not need a coronavirus vaccine, we already have one except its not a vaccine. If you want to inject something inject vitamin D.

This is the mostly costly mistake in history costing tens of trillions, destroying millions of small and mid-size businesses, and effecting hundreds of millions of lives. It has literally put hunger in bellies so you can start there with your measurements of suffering...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>..