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Tuesday 16 June 2020

Communist China has already invaded the USA, stationed troops disguised as security at solar plant farms, says analyst

[Natural News]: Concerning America’s solar farms, China’s occupation of many of these facilities has created a landing zone, so to speak, where Chinese military men and women can quietly group together and plot the next step while posing as “security.” And most Americans are none the wiser as to what is transpiring right under their noses.

Hodges believes that America will soon be under direct military attack by communist China, meaning bullets and bombs targeted at American aircraft, both military and civilian. And the reason he thinks this is because of these solar farms, which are directly tied to the communist Chinese military.

“The solar energy deals that were put into place by Senator Harry Reid were done in conjunction with Chinese energy companies run by the Chinese military,” Hodges explains. “All personnel manning these planned plants would be affiliated with the Chinese military.”

“This includes the inland ports (e.g. Kansas City) which are controlled by the Chinese courtesy of the treasonous trade agreement we call NAFTA. As former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton gave tacit approval and participated in these actions which had their origins prior to her tenure as Secretary of State.”

Cinta, a company that owns most of the solar energy farms throughout the American West, is merely a front for the Chinese military, according to Hodges. And nearly all of the employees who work at these farms are Chinese soldiers who have gained a type of beachhead in our country, he says....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...