Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 18 June 2020

The Latest Magic Number is 135

Tonight's magical number is 135. It's the latest daily announcement on  the morbid and sick death chart that the SAGE eugenicist scientists produce to lie to the British people as part of their substantiation of the COVID-19 BULLSHIT.

135 deaths due to Covid-19 REALLY?? How many of those are Covid-19 with no underlying conditions. Very few.

They use this deception to keep the UK under lockdown. It's not about keeping people safe from a flu-like virus made in a bio laboratory. It's about delay and trauma based mind control to condition people through problem-reaction-solution to eventually accept the KILL SWITCH vaccine that the deeply sick Bill Gates is planning to mass cull mankind with.

It's also about totally ruining the UK economy. Well ... we are there. The deeply sick SAGE long pork chompers have virtually achieved what they set out to do. Their 2m bullshit rule means that few shops can open properly. 80% of pubs will never be able to open again. And its a totally insane shopping experience thanks to their Chinese style control system. All to plan.

The chances of going back to how we were before all this trauma mind control is 0%. They don't intend to let us free from their clutches.

These death charts will continue with deaths being reported for months to come. Then there will be a semblance of normality with some easing of the 2m madness. Lockdown might ease ... but then there will be the SECOND SPIKE and it will be lockdowns again ...

The UK is finished. It's perhaps for the best if they were to wipe us all out now ... mass genocide might be a welcomed choice compared with the rest of our lives like this.

And the new version of football that has returned is BULLSHIT too. All to plan to wind everyone up. We are powerless to change it .... and that is also the plan. With Satan loving Bumbling Boris in control we are totally and utterly defeated ... mind you it's the same with whoever is 'in charge'. They are all owned by Bill Gates. Shitty Whitty will be rewarded for bringing down the UK economy with his insistence on keeping the 2m control distance etc. Who will be on his plate at the satanic celebratory meal I wonder?