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Wednesday 17 June 2020

The REAL reason Boris Johnson is so fearful of ditching two-metre rule: Doom-monger advisers led by grim private polls, and the terror of being blamed for a new spike are paralysing the PM

MANUFACTURED FEAR is the real reason. Coronaphobia and the manipulation of human fear of dying. Trauma based mind control ... on a massive scale. Devised to condition humans into sheepie submission and to see the invisible emperor's clothes ... 

It's all a massive social engineering exercise to get human sheep to willing walk into the prison cells, making it much easier for the satanically sick and evil twisted 1% to get rid of us all ... 

And Bumbling Boris will know only too well that it is the end game. He's been in with the Rothchilds for years ... so any so called anxiety on his part, is BULLSHIT. He's sold us all out to Shitty Whitty, Genocidal Gates and their merry 'long pork' eating gang of Lucifer arse lickers ... 

I suggest instead of all the deceit and the delay, they should stop stalking us and just get on with the mass culling!

[Daily Mail]: The dilemma for Mr Johnson is that every time the two-metre rule comes up he gives every appearance of dithering, oscillating between the views of the scientists who have been opposed to loosening distancing and those voices within his own party who fear that every day we delay relaxation risks another nail in the coffin of one of the UK’s most vital sectors with its 3.3 million jobs.

The evidence from France, Spain and Italy, where hospitality has been opened up, is encouraging, with no signs of a feared second spike in illnesses.

Of course, the pressure to make the right call is huge but increasingly it seems that a prime minister who began this crisis sure-footed and with the firmest of grips is beginning to stumble and drift.

Not knowing of footballer Marcus Rashford’s brilliant campaign for disadvantaged children to be given free school meals over the summer holidays was just the latest example.

So what is going on?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>>...