Tonight's magic number, selected by the S.R.N.G to add to the death cult's graph, in a bid to keep scaring the UK's Mr & Mrs Sheeples .... is two and Two, 22.
Basically, agents of the Evil Elite Death Cult who see us all as 'Useless Eaters' or 'Programmable Life Forms' have chosen the number 22 to add to their sick death mountain'; their fearmongering graph known as 'number of deaths per day in the UK'.
It's part of the ongoing 'live exercise' to condition UK sheeples via a sick & twisted psyops program; making them ready to beg for the 'coronavirus' vaccine that in truth will be an injection that is nothing more than a human genocide concoction, sugar coated as the means to get life back to normal.
But for now, their twisted and sick daily chart perpetuates the myth of the deadly Covid-19 virus; but surely, people must see how ridiculous this really is? It's 22 supposed 'Covid-19 RELATED' deaths ... cause of death supposedly added to the death certificate even when Covid-19 is suspected!
So someone with a heart attack, or pneumonia, or kidney failure, who has symptoms that a doctor deems is Covid-19 will have it recorded that is what they passed with. It's crazy! What happens if that person had flu or a bad cold? Very similar symptoms ..... that's why we ask Shitty Whitty to confess the number of ACTUAL Covid-19 deaths. He won't ... as it will blow wide open the evil scam...
We saw further evidence of the total evil that Shitty Whitty & co has deliberately let befall the UK. We graced the streets of Skipton, in North Yorkshire today. There are numerous empty shop units in what was once a vibrant town. Pubs operated a one way system to get in the pub. Shops had signs indicating only a limited number of people could enter at any one time.
A cafe we visited weren't permitted to handle our cutlery BUT they were able to hand us sugar and salt sachets! What madness. After a customer left, the cafe owner had to wipe down the table and the chairs. What about the floor ... surely Covid-19 can be present on the soles of shoes? Why not spray the air around the table, because the customers were talking to each other? Utter madness.
Then there were a number of Joe & Glenda Sheeples encountered on the streets, with their anxiety and their advanced coronaphobia.
Yes Shitty Whitty, thanks to your evil psyops and media insanity, the UK is basically f4ck3d! Things will never be the same, and you have the psychosis to keep up the lockdown myth by announcing 22 deaths ... its a figure that barely covers the number of daily deaths on UK roads. Maybe we need a lockdown for road deaths too!!
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.