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Tuesday 7 July 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Under 1400 Covid-19 With NO Underlying Health Conditions Not the 45,000!!!'

The NHS website records the grim record of deaths by Covid-19 with NO underlying health conditions ... and that figure currently stands at UNDER 1400 ...!

The corrupt MSM continue to report the bullshit Covid-19 deaths at around 45,000. That means there are around 43,600 deaths that are Covid-19 related deaths ... and out of those 30,000 are the deaths being reported in Care Homes around the country.

So, let's read that again Mr & Mrs Sheeple .... you have extreme coronaphobia, and are happy for the government to take all your freedoms away for under 1400 deaths caused by this deadly virus??? That's 1400 out of 66 MILLION people! And the 30,000 old people's deaths that were slipped into the daily figures by our communist acting government ... are keeping us all under this evil medical martial law ... this economy destroying house arrest.

So, let's recap again ... before we reveal the macabre magic money to be added to the evil one's death mountain ... there are UNDER 1400 deaths by Covid-19 with NO underlying health conditions, there are approx 30,000 out of the 43,600 deaths due to underlying health conditions that are in old people's homes ... that leaves 11,600 people who had underlying health conditions outside of old people's homes. Around 13,000 of the MSM reported deaths. AND WE ARE IN LOCKDOWN for such a small percentage of people; with the main spike of Covid-19 being gone now for over 3 months!

Joe & Glenda Sheeple WAKE UP from your brainwashing ...!!!

Oh yes, we nearly forgot ... tonight's number chosen by the Sage Random Number Generator is one hundred and fifty five ... yes 155. It is always higher on a Tuesday according to the Evil Shitty Whitty gang of Sage satanists ...

This 'new normal' bullshit is not about a 'killer virus' at all ... it's all about social conditioning and evil control of the UK population.