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Wednesday 4 November 2020

Government Website Reveals Extensive ‘COVID Cases’ Fraud

They need a fall guy in this side plot of the fear narrative. This is an excuse to bring in a new type of testing and blanket testing of whole towns, cities and areas just like in Slovakia. This is time to wise up on ARTICLE 61 and WE DO NOT CONSENT

[Humans Are Free]: “RT-PCR detects presence of viral genetic material in a sample but is not able to distinguish whether infectious virus is present.”

Today’s breaking news is that a paper published on the government’s website has revealed that the infamous “PCR” test is of no use in detecting whether a live infection is present.

Ministers are said to be fearful of a furious public backlash in reaction to what is now known to be an ongoing fraud used to spread disinformation about the infectiousness of a flu-like bug that can prove serious in a small number of cases.

In essence what has happened is this:

The “PCR”test has been carried out on a large and growing number of people.

This has inevitably produced a large and growing number of “positives”.

The test has a number of possible flaws and proneness to inaccuracy and many have criticised the irresponsibility of using it as proof of the spread of any disease.

However, if properly done can detect the presence of minute amounts of the remnants of genetic material from various viruses, the COVID19 virus among them.

The detection of the presence of these leftover bits of genetic material DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN the person is currently infected with a live virus.

It can show, for instance, that the person was to one degree or another previously infected (and often so mildly they scarcely noticed) and some of the viral material from the previous infection has not yet been flushed out of their system. The PCR test then detects these remnants and produces a “positive”.

These “positives” are then fraudulently called “cases” by the government...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...