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Monday 2 November 2020

The same script the world over … ‘Covid’ curfew to be rolled out across all of Italy, PM Conte reveals, among more new restrictions, plus Portugal and Greece

Yes ... people are suffering. Yes .... people are dying because of the lockdowns and NOT because of a computer generated virus that has never been isolated. But its actually hilarious when you see how SCARED the cabal really are. How rushed their agenda is. It's a planned agenda, but as long distance runners they are not equipped to run a 100m sprint race (Think about it). We, the humans, need only to put up hurdles for them to jump over ... and they will literally run out of steam way before the finish line. In the future we win this. Knowing this in the now 100% ensures you will contribute to the victory!

[David Icke]: Italy’s prime minister has announced plans to introduce a nightly curfew on the entire country along with further measures including the closure of bars and museums, while shopping centers will be shut at weekends.

Giuseppe Conte said on Monday that the country will set a new nationwide curfew, running from 9pm until the following morning, amid soaring Covid infections. He warned that hospitals would be overrun in 15 of Italy’s 20 regions by next month unless the government intervened now.

In light of the latest report on Friday and the particularly critical situations in some regions, we are forced to intervene with a view to mitigate the contagion.

Speaking to the Chamber of Deputies, Conte said that they would also be dividing the country into three areas depending on the risk level, but national measures would be limited and specific.

Restrictions imposed on the whole of Italy include the nighttime curfew, limiting travel in and out of certain areas, as well as the closure of shopping centers at weekends. Meanwhile, museums, bars, video game halls and exhibitions will be forced to shut. Urban transport capacity will also be limited to 50 percent.

An official announcement is expected to be made to the public on Monday evening following the prime minister’s summit with regional officials during the day.

Details of the regional restrictions are not yet known, however, Deputy Labor Minister Francesca Puglisi has told Sky TG 24 that schools may be impacted.

“Unfortunately, we have to sacrifice direct teaching, and lessons will be taught online for all high school students, and it has not yet been decided whether lower elementary school students will follow classes from home,” said Puglisi....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...