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Tuesday 20 April 2021

Colgate highlights ‘mask mouth’ which is devastating teeth and gums of mask wearers while ever more people struggle to find a dentist

[David Icke]: Mask mouth describes the variety of oral side effects from wearing a mask for an extended time. Mask mouth might include dry mouth, bad breath, tooth decay, and even gum disease. Dental professionals attribute these side effects to a few factors:

Disrupted breathing patterns. A study conducted by PN Medical shows how wearing a mask can impact your breathing, causing more rapid, shallow breaths using your mouth, chest, and neck instead of your diaphragm. Breathing out of your mouth decreases the amount of saliva, which plays an important role in your oral health — washing away food debris and defending your teeth from cavities.

Dehydration. Wearing a mask also causes you to drink less water than usual. Dehydration can lead to dry mouth, increasing your risk of tooth decay and bad breath...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...