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Tuesday 17 August 2021

Bombshell: mRNA vaccines can turn people into never-ending spike protein factories, “colonizing” the body with endless bioweapons

 Fear narrative or fact? It's compelling 'evidence' but is it just an elaborate plot line set up by globalists? But if that were to case .... to what end? This is a hard pill to swallow if its true ... its just that its been released on globalist owned and censored internet ... it could be a psychotic mind game to let everyone know what is going in to their arms? Maybe. But all things that are seen are actually an inversion of the truth ....

 [Natural News]: Nuclear cardiologist Richard M. Fleming recently spoke with Mike Adams about the deception used to coerce the world population to take mRNA vaccines. Dr. Fleming provided evidence that the mRNA vaccines are self-replicating and turn people into never-ending spike protein factories. 

There is now evidence that the genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2 is self-assembling and self-amplifying by design, carrying genetic code into the person’s DNA through reverse transcription. 

This runaway process for encoding spike proteins in human cells has the potential to hijack healthy genetic expression for years to come while colonizing inflammatory spike proteins in the blood and the organs for the duration of one’s life. People are literally being programmed with genetic instructions that intoxicate their blood and organs into perpetuity … until they are sick and dying, suffering from chronic disease.

The public was given false information regarding mRNA vaccines from the start. The mRNA vaccine was sold to the public as a temporary process, an immune-enhancing drug that does not interfere with human DNA. Furthermore, the messenger RNA is said to stay in the cells at the injection site, but this has been disproved multiple times, with blood clot formation and spike protein accumulation measured in various organs, including the brain. The spike proteins are not only traveling through the blood and concentrating in vital organs, but these mRNA instructions are also incorporating into the human DNA for future replication of bioweapons in the blood....<<<Read More>>>...