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Tuesday 17 August 2021

New Zealand Tyranny: Entire Country Under Lockdown After Just ONE Single COVID Case

 [Humans Are Free]: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has put the entire country under lockdown after just one single case of COVID was discovered.

After the isolated case was detected in Auckland, the first nationwide in 6 months, Kiwis across the country were told they’d be placed under a full lockdown for the next 3 days.

“Auckland and Coromandel – a coastal town where the infected person also spent time – will be in lockdown for seven days,” reports Sky News.

New Zealand will now be placed under its first full national lockdown for the first time since the original lockdown over a year ago.

Schools, offices, businesses, and all other “non-essential” venues will now all be shut down, with citizens only allowed outside to exercise, buy food and seek emergency medical treatment.

“Delta has been a game-changer, we’re responding to that,” said Ardern. “The best thing we can do to get out of this as quickly as we can is to go hard.”

Like its neighbor Australia, New Zealand continues to pursue a controversial ‘zero COVID’ policy that necessitates continuous draconian lockdowns with no end in sight.

As we highlighted last year, New Zealand announced that they will put all new coronavirus infectees and their close family members in “quarantine facilities.”

Ardern warned people who refused to take COVID-19 tests that they would simply be held in the facilities until they complied.

New Zealand has registered 2,926 cases and just 26 coronavirus deaths since the pandemic began.