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Monday 2 August 2021

“Vaccine Passports Are Un-British” – Rees-Mogg

 [Richie Allen]:Jacob Rees-Mogg has been pretty quiet these past 18 months. The leader of the commons has had very little to say as his government has ridden roughshod over civil liberties and human rights. Yesterday however, Rees-Mogg declared vaccine passports to be “un-British.”

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions programme, Rees-Mogg said:

“We have an ancient right to go about our lawful business without being expected to prove who we are or what we’re doing to anybody. We should protect our ancient freedoms very carefully.”

We don’t want to get into a society where routinely people are expected to show their papers. That is not a British way to behave.”

Rees-Mogg is not alone. According to The Mail Online:

Fellow Tory Bob Blackman said that even introducing vaccine passports for nightclubs would be a ‘slippery slope’.

Mr Blackman added: ‘When is a night club a pub or when is a pub a nightclub? If you start enforcing it in nightclubs, it will rapidly be enforced in pubs and restaurants.’ The call means cross-party backing is emerging for the Commons to return before September.

How far will these politicians go? Will Rees-Mogg resign as leader of the commons? Will the disgruntled backbench Tories who have opposed lockdowns from day one resign as MP’s and leave the party in protest at the passport scheme?

It’s put up or shut up time. It’s all very well going on Talk Radio and bemoaning the UK’s descent into totalitarianism. There comes a point when you have to actually do something about it.