Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 12 August 2021

Your Environment Affects Your Health More Than You Realize

[Wake Up World]: You think you’re doing all the right things—eating a healthy diet, exercising every day, getting a decent amount of sleep—yet you still don’t quite feel like you are on top of your game.

Perhaps you are experiencing some fatigue, brain fog, irritability or achiness in your joints. Maybe your digestive system seems a bit off lately, you can’t seem to get rid of that extra weight around the middle or you are having trouble sleeping. You mention this to your friends, even your doctor, and the all-around response is “these are just typical symptoms of aging.” And you think to yourself, “so this is what it feels like to get old” and you begin to spend more and more time commiserating with your friends also of “that certain age.”

But here is the good news—these symptoms probably have less to do with your age and everything to do with your environment! “Good news?” you ask. Well, not good that our surroundings are dragging us down, but good news in that there are things that you can do to feel better!

In today’s world, it is impossible to avoid toxins. We are exposed to environmental, chemical and metal toxins on a daily basis. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we consume and many of the personal care products that we use on a regular basis.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Multisectoral action is urgently needed to protect human health from the harmful effects of improperly managed chemicals.”

Like it or not, we are all living with environmental toxins in our bodies, and when there is an internal buildup of these toxic materials health issues can ensue and you begin to experience those unpleasant symptoms that are too quickly chalked up to aging by so many....<<<Read More>>>...