Now that most people in New Zealand have been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) per the government’s orders, new “positive cases” of the disease are reportedly on the rise.
Up until recently, New Zealand’s “My Vaccine Pass” was required to enter businesses. Non-compliers reportedly faced fines of up to $15,000 per infraction as part of a nationwide plan to eliminate (or so we were told) the Fauci Flu from the country.
That plan failed, of course. And now the Chinese Virus is apparently spreading like wildfire among people who took the jab(s). Bron Markham, a New Zealand nurse with more than 50 years of experience in her field, told the media that many people she knows have recently received positive test results.
“It’s gone from ‘I don’t know anybody who has covid to most of my family and friends now have covid,'” Markham is quoted as saying, adding that it is “soul destroying” to watch.
What she is so worried about remains unclear, seeing as how Omicron turned out to be a dud. The only way people seem to know they have it is from “positive” test results, as the condition appears to be extremely mild or asymptomatic.
The actual problem in New Zealand seems to be an uptick in deaths attributed to “covid.” It turns out that these really started picking up across the country after the injections they are calling “vaccines” started getting plunged into people’s arms....<<<Read More>>>...
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