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Tuesday 24 May 2022

Signs You’re Born to Be a Spiritual Healer

A healer’s power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses. — E. Leventhal

At heart, we all have the capacity to heal ourselves and nurture others.

Spirit, energy, thought, intention, skillful practice, and belief are available to all people.

Yet as individual expressions of the life force, we all have different paths, and not all of us feel called to healing practices.

For those of us that do feel “called” to spiritual healing, we are often met with some kind of resistance, either from our friends, our family members, or our culture. This is because spiritual healing can be frowned upon as a quasi, scientifically-misguided, charlatan practice by a society that is built on the mind and ego. While there are con artists in every practice, the genuinely beneficial aspects of spiritual healing are largely ignored because they can’t be quantified or reasoned with.

Unfortunately, this has led to a large percentage of us (particularly in Westernised societies) losing touch with traditional forms of healing. Very few of us were raised around shamans, medicine men or medicine women who could pass on ancient knowledge and holistic healing practices. Instead, as children we were taken to GPs, physicians and doctors who prescribed us with medications of all kinds. And while these medications were useful and helped to fix certain parts of us, they never aided us in healing our whole organism with its many layers.

Yet despite the way you were raised, you might still feel a strong pull towards spiritual healing, even if it “goes against the grain” of what you were taught.

So are you a spiritual healer? Let’s find out....<<<Read More>>>...