Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 26 May 2022

The Divine Feminine: Will You Let Her Rise?

I am reading a book about Goddesses, hoping to shed more light on the mystical power of the divine feminine – that inborn force that we must learn to wield, to hold gently but firmly so that we can be guided from a space of intuition and strength rather than fear and controlling.

To me, this is a sign of a new consciousness emerging. It is the Aquarian Age and one of correction. It is a time of rebirthing and the divine feminine in all of us will be called to midwife the transition. This transition may look like suffering, and it has to me. It may be like the tightening of a violin string, necessary to release the perfect note.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez wrote these words to me about this moment in our shared history:

We are in the Suntaleia, the Greek term for Consummation of the Ages, a time of confusion, political strife, hatred of truth, governmental oppression and the rise toward one world dictatorship. Then comes the destruction of truth’s enemies, the restoration of the earth and recognition for those that gallantly stood firm for the truth and its always righteous application. So do not despair, it isn’t necessary to so, the plan is falling into place, these times are but the birth pangs of the glorious world that will follow. And you will be a part of it.

We are all a part of it if we choose to Rise Up and work to raise our vibration together. Listen for the voice inside. Feel its tenor. Know your truth. Then and only then will you radiate exactly what you want to receive....<<<Read More>>>....