Obama appeared at Stanford University the other day to talk about Big Tech censorship, which he says he supports.
Social media, Obama claims, is “turbo-charging some of humanity’s worst impulses.” It must thus be reined in with heavy censorship, insuring that only the “truth” gets spread online.
“One of the biggest reasons for the weakening of democracy is the profound change that’s taken place in how we communicate and consume information,” Obama said.
Obama then went on to claim that people are “dying because of disinformation,” and that it is his job to save their lives by clamping down on free speech and abolishing the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Obama gave almost the same word-for-word speech a few weeks ago in Chicago, telling his worshipping audience that he has “to fight to provide people [with] the information they need to be free and self-governing.”
This does not include free speech online, of course, but only government-approved narratives.
Such statements are the epitome of irony, seeing as how Obama and his regime spied on Donald Trump’s campaign with a secret warrant backed by the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded Christopher Steele dossier, which was the direct product of disinformation....<<<Read More>>>...