[Daily OM]: Upon waking, many people consider
the coming day with trepidation. Because of the natural human tendency
to focus on what we fear or dislike, it is easy to unwittingly send a
message of unease into the future that negatively impacts the quality of
your day. However, while our lives are busy and frequently replete with
challenges, they are also rich with joy and experiences worth savoring.
We can attract this natural bliss into our lives by starting each day
with a message of love. When you send love ahead to your day, that love
will manifest itself in your interpersonal interactions, your
professional endeavors, and your domestic duties. Tasks and
circumstances once made trying by your own anxiety are transformed by
your love, and you will find yourself approaching life's subtle nuances
with great affection.
Each morning, when you have cast off the fog of sleep, take several
deep, grounding breaths and reaffirm the love you have for yourself.
Speaking a loving, self-directed blessing aloud enables you to access
and awaken the reservoir of tenderness in your soul. Before you leave
the comfortable warmth of your bed, be sure to tell the universe that
you are eager and ready to receive the blessings it has set aside for
you. Then as you prepare to meet the day, visualize yourself first
saturated by and then surrounded with a warm and soft loving light.
Gradually widen the circle of this light until you are able to send it
ahead into your future. If you are commuting to work, send love to the
roads upon which you will drive, your fellow commuters, and your parking
space. If you have colleagues who arrive at your workplace before you,
send them love. Likewise, a day spent being a parent or addressing
household chores can benefit from the sentiment that precedes you.
Sending love ahead to everyone you will meet and everything you will do
can ensure that your day is suffused with grace.
If you have difficulty sending love to those situations and individuals
you deem particularly frustrating, consider that the warmth and
tenderness you project can change your life for the better. Each
morning, in sending this love, you will exercise your power to control
the ambiance of your existence and to color your day with positivity.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Global Warming Debate; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.