Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 2 May 2022

The Hadron Collider

Tonight, we explore the recent news story that the Hadron Collider has commenced its madness for the first time in three years. There have been some crazy stories relating to this controversial technology in recent years. ranging from the creation of anti-matter, to demonic manifestations in the complex to opening the portal to the forbidden pit to enable the nasties captured there to come into this vibration. 

The technology is controversial and highly dangerous to say the least. Its a circular track underground in Switzerland where metallic plates travel at incredible speeds around the circuit before crashing into each other. 

Is there any substance to the paranormal conspiracy theories related to this madness? The initial reaction here is that the Satanic Deep State are definitely up to something at this complex. Its not for the good of mankind, that's for sure. There is a sense of desperation with the crazies. Despite their greatest efforts it seems they cannot open a doorway that seems to lie somewhere close to the circuit, or directly below the circuit. 

Duality appears as 'the abyss' and then there is protection and the light of truth. These images alone suggest they cannot succeed with their mad plan. Limitations also indicate a failure on their part. A feeling here is that they are trying to emulate the universe and create a 'metaverse' based on what can be discovered through these experiments. This would explain the connection of Ancestral Ties and the link with Graphene Oxide structures which have been discussed in earlier insights. 

The central world tree in the Tree Of Life and the resilience image gives a sense that they have discovered a certain amount of information but it is not sufficient for them. Perhaps there is in fact a doorway to the great abyss where a legendary creature resides. And maybe they are trying to open that doorway. 

Something very sinister has indeed been taking place at the Hadron Collider complex.